Imagine for Becca!

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“Hey!” You heard Niall’s voice shout, followed by the sound of the front door shutting. “Your prince is home!”

You chuckled and walked out to meet him, when you saw he was still dressed in shorts and a sweaty tank top. He kicked his tennis shoes off of his feet and grinned mischievously. After wiggling his eyebrows, he opened his arms and moved toward you.

“Give me a hug, Becca,” He teased, and your eyes widened.

“Niall, please,” You begged, turning to run away from him. In any other occasion, you’d have no problem hugging Niall. However, in this particular case, he was a sweaty and disgusting mess.  

“What?” He smirked. “I don’t bite.”

His hands gripped your waist before you could get too far and you squealed as he held you in your place. You felt his breath on your neck and he whispered, “Don’t try to run from me. I just want a hug.”

“You can have a hug after you clean yourself,” You promised him, attempting to squirm out of his grip.

“I don’t smell that bad, do I?” He questioned.

“You really do,” You said, letting a laugh slip from your mouth.

“Guess it was a pretty intense work out today,” He reasoned, finally deciding to give you a break. His hands slowly loosened around you waist, until you could free yourself. With a sigh of relief, you hurried away.

You were about to turn into your shared bedroom when you made the mistake of stopping to glance at Niall. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his shorts, and he hung his head. He pretended to sniffle and shake his body, as if he was crying. “Niall,” You whined. “Come on, I promise I’ll hug you later.”

He whimpered, and you knew that this was all just an act, but the sight of him was getting to you. He sniffled again and quickly glanced at you with pouting lips, before dropping his head again. His foot began to tap on the floor and you cringed at how his damp clothing clung to his clammy skin.

“Fine,” You grumbled, closing your eyes and opening your arms. “Make it quick, Horan.”

His face lit up and he dashed straight for you, engulfing you in his arms. You held your breath while he squeezed you tight.

“There,” He said with a satisfied smile, as he set you down on your feet. “Now you’ll have to take a shower with me.”

**Your request was for something entirely different but I was having a really hard time with your idea. However, I hope you liked this one!**

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now