Let's Start Over

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You were desperate, let's face it. You knew all along that this kid wasn't good for you. You picked him up in a bar one night when you were feeling painfully lonely. His name was Niall. Though now, you wished you would have just stayed home that night.

You were lying on your bed, hopelessly trying to focus on a book. Niall had told you he would be coming over tonight, and you were scared, to say the least. He seemed very polite and almost too perfect when you first met him a week ago. But now, he was anything but that.


It started the next morning after you met him, when you woke up together. He shifted before slowly creeping out of bed. You stared into his eyes that were so welcoming the night before, but now seemed so fierce. He glared at you before finding his shirt that was tossed on the side of the bed, and you tried to recall if you did anything last night or not. From what you could remember, you just fell asleep the minute you walked in the house.

He tugged his shirt over his head and trudged to the bathroom. You watched as he left the room, acting as if this were his house. Moments later, he returned. Still not saying a word, he stared at you for a minute.

"What's your name?" He growled.

You shook, unsettled by his tone. "Um... (Y/N)," You hesitantly told him your name.

He nodded. "Why the hell am I here with you? You're so ugly!" He hissed, walking over to the window.

You sat there silently, feeling tears prick at your eyes. He sure had guts to call you ugly after sharing your bed last night.

"And, no, doll. We didn't do anything last night. I was far too wasted to go to my own house, so I figured you wouldn't mind me staying the night," He said, watching cars pass outside.

You sighed in relief, you were still a virgin, and you planned to stay that way for a while.

"Why don't you be a good little girl and go fix up some food, yeah?" He turned towards you, his eyes piercing through your soul. You dragged yourself out of bed, walking to the kitchen, but keeping a steady watch on Niall.

You had no idea who this boy was, other than the fact that he came home with you last night. You could barely remember how you even came across him.

Luckily, you had some bacon in the refrigerator, so you cooked some of that. You didn't bother to call him to the table, so you just brought the plate of bacon to him in your bedroom.

He snatched the plate from you, devouring every last bit of food. Somebody was hungry.

"Thank you," He spat.

You nodded in response, watching his every move. "Are you gonna go home now?" You said, your voice cracking as you practically begged him to say yes.

He grinned evilly at your hopeful face before saying, "I don't think so."

You took a sharp breath, alarmed by this. He seemed like a creeper, and you were definitely starting to become uncomfortable. "Well, I think you should," You suddenly barked, having no idea where that boost of confidence came from.

He glared at you. "Oh, you think so? Too bad, (Y/N)! Does it look like I care what you think?!" He yelled, inching closer to you with every word.

You hung your head, already knowing this wouldn't be good.


Ever since then, he'd yell at you all the time, call you names, and push you around. Just recently, he started becoming violent and hitting you when you didn't "listen." So yea, you were scared.

You ran your fingers through your hair just as you heard a door click open. A silent tear fell from your face as you held yourself, hearing footsteps nearing you.

"Well, hello there," You heard a taunting voice say from behind you. "Are you hiding from me?"

You spun around, face to face with Niall. He was grinning, knowing the affect he had on you. You shook your head.

"Good," He whispered, pushing a strand of hair out of your face. "You know I love you, sweetheart," He said, the venom just pouring with every word.

You shuddered and looked away. You were ashamed to look in his eyes, and he didn't like that. He wanted you to be scared of him, but he still wanted you to listen to him.

"Look at me," He demanded, forcing your chin up so that your eyes met his.

He snickered, rolling his eyes. "Did you wash my favorite shirt?" He asked, rummaging through the laundry you just cleaned and pulling out a red polo. "So you did. Good job, doll."

You watched as he changed into his favorite shirt and plopped down on the bed. "Why aren't you talking, love? Is something bothering you?" He said, faking concern. You shook your head, sitting down next to him.

"Good, we wouldn't want my little girl to be upset, now would we?" He whispered.

You shook your head again, silently hoping that he wouldn't hurt you. You were shaking your head for a minute without realizing it when suddenly you felt wet tears stream down your face. You had tried for so long not to cry in front of Niall, for two reasons. One being that you didn't want to be punished, and the other being that you didn't want to show too much weakness. But, you couldn't help it. You'd been holding back those tears for days now.

You felt two arms wrap around your waist, and suddenly Niall was pulling you into his lap. He held you close, rocking you back and forth. "Oh, don't cry, sweetheart," He said.

You frantically wiped years away, only making it worse. Soon enough, you were sobbing and Niall was trying to calm you. "Shhh...it's alright," He said, hugging you close to him.

This was something new. Niall would, on occasion, act as if he cared. But now he actually did care. He was being so gentle, as if he never treated you the way he's been treating you. He held you as if he never hurt you, or called you names. You were starting to feel loved, and it was so foreign, you almost couldn't recognize it.

He kissed your forehead and whispered, "I really do love you, (Y/N)."

You knew to never take it to heart when Niall would say he loves you. It was always just three words with no meaning. But it felt different this time.

You looked up, into his eyes. This seemed like an innocent thing, but really you were searching for a sign. Something to tell you that he meant it when he said he loved you. Something to tell you that he was becoming a better person. He stared into your eyes for a minute before he, too, broke down in tears. You were stunned.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry. I really do love you, though. I don't know why I acted like that. I can assure you that's not the real me. I think this is just the first time that I ever truly loved someone, and it scared me. I'm sorry, (Y/N). I understand if you hate me and never want to talk again. Hell, I hate myself right now," He sobbed, still holding you.

You sniffled, feeling relief wash over you. Finally, things were okay. You watched him cry before taking his hand in yours.

"I'm not going to leave you, Niall," You said, and you leaned forward and kissed his forehead, the first time you'd ever been this close to him.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, again. You knew he would never forgive himself for all of the horrible things he did to you.

You rested your forehead against his, still holding his hand. "Let's start over," You whispered.

He smiled at you, gladly taking your offer.

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