Imagine for Kimberly!

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You stared at the clock beside you, literally watching the minutes pass. You were hugging a pillow as your mind flooded with thoughts- all the thoughts you didn’t have time to think about during the day when you were busy. As you laid there in your bed, amongst a mess of tangled blankets and sheets, you had time to ponder all sorts of things.

Sleep was beginning to capture you, as your eyes struggled to stay open. You inhaled a slow breath, about to give in, when you felt the mattress dip next to you. Your eyes flew open just as quickly as they had closed, and you felt your heartbeat increase in a matter of mere seconds. You froze, hearing a soft chuckle.

Working up every ounce of courage within you, you turned to see Niall’s eyes staring back at you. You let out a breath that you hadn’t even realized you were holding, and he chuckled again.

“Calm down, cupcake,” Niall whispered, pressing his lips to your forehead as he hovered above you. “It’s just me.”

“Cupcake?” You questioned in a hushed tone, while shifting into a sitting position. “That’s a new one,” You added. Niall situated himself next to you, leaning into you and resting his head on your shoulder.

Any sleep that might have been taking an affect on you earlier was now completely vanished as you and your boyfriend sparked a long and engaging conversation. Somewhere along, he interlaced his fingers with yours, rubbing circles into the palm of your hand. He animatedly spoke, tossing his other hand in the air at certain points in the conversation.

Hours passed between the two of you, but you were no longer counting them. Niall pecked the side of your face, and with a silly grin, he asked, “What do you think about that?”

“Aren’t we a little young to be thinking about this type of thing now?” You answered him with a question of your own, turning so that your eyes locked with his.

“Of course not,” He shook his head, dragging his tongue over his teeth. “Tell me, Kimberly, what do you think? Personally, I’d love to start a family with you. Imagine how cute our kids would look with my eyes.”

You rolled your eyes and a somewhat satisfied smile swept across your face. “I guess I can see it, too,” You admitted, losing yourself in the idea of raising a family with Niall.

Niall yawned and snuggled even closer to you as his eyes fluttered closed. “I love you to the moon and back,” He sleepily mumbled in a small voice.

“I love you to the moon and back three times,” You replied with a giggle.

**I hope this is what you wanted!**

Also, I'm just wondering. What are your favorite types of imagines (fighting, sweet, funny...etc)? I'd like to have an idea of what you guys enjoy the most for future references. Thanks!

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