Roommates- Part 2

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You heard a soft giggle in your ear as one tongue licked the side of your face, and another, rougher tongue, licked over your nose. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you blinked your eyes open to see the new puppy in your face, licking your nose in response to Niall licking the side of your face. You laughed a little and said, "I'm okay with the dog licking me, but you're a human." You looked over at Niall, whom was leaning up on his elbow. He giggled and licked you again, watching as the dog mirrored his actions.

"She licks you every time I lick you. See," Niall explained, licking a long stripe up the side of your face. His whole body kind of wiggled as he laughed, watching the dog lick your nose in response. He stuck his tongue out, going in for another lick, but you dodged out of the way.

"Niall!" You exclaimed, "Stop licking me, you weirdo!" He laughed and retrieved his tongue, shrugging innocently. 

Niall rubbed at his sleepy eyes, letting a yawn out while asking, "How'd you sleep?"

You smiled and let your gaze fall from his eyes to his perfect lips, and then to his bare chest. The sheets were loosely draped across his waist, covering everything beneath. 'I wonder which boxers he's wearing? If he's wearing any at all...' You inhaled a sharp breath, shaking your dirty thoughts from your mind as you mumbled, "Uh, fine. I slept fine. You?"

He smirked a little, as if knew what you were thinking, and replied, "I slept wonderfully. I think Zoey did, too." He reached over you to ruffle the dog's hair, smiling as she closed her eyes in response. When he dropped his hand from the dog, however, his arm landed across your waist. And he made no effort to move it. But, then again, neither did you.

"C'mon, let's get up and dressed and stuff. I wanna go shoppin' for Zoey," Niall said, pulling you into him. You were lying on your back, but he pulled you close enough that your side was pressed against him. He smiled down at you, and you stared up at him. He quickly leaned down and pecked the side of your face before giggling and scrambling out of bed, as if he was afraid you'd come after him for kissing your cheek. You heard his laugh echo through your apartment as he hurried out of your room and danced his way down the hall to his own room, in search of an outfit for the day. You chuckled a little, yourself, and forced yourself out of bed. Zoey remained comfortably sprawled out across your mattress while you shuffled through your closet. 

You let Niall use the bathroom first, seeing as he would probably take half the time you would to get ready. He was out in about ten minutes, looking rather sharp in a fitted black tee and dark skinny jeans. He excused himself to the kitchen, fixing a bowl of dog food for Zoey and two bowls of cereal for you and him. He ended up eating by himself, though, because Zoey swallowed down her breakfast in record time, and you were still in the bathroom. By the time you did finish readying yourself, Niall's empty bowl was in the sink and the cereal in yours was soggy.

"Took you long enough," He teased, when you rounded the corner into the kitchen. He pushed the bowl of soggy cereal at you and said, "I made a bowl for you but you probably don't want it now."

You smiled and lifted the spoon he set out for you. "It's my fault that it's all soggy," You reasoned, "I'll pay the price and eat the mushy cereal." He laughed and shoved his feet into a pair of shoes while you tried to get through your breakfast as quickly as possible.

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