Imagine for Peyton!

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Your nerves were finally making an appearance as you bent over, stretching your arms to touch your toes. You were surrounded by your teammates, whom were all performing their own stretches before your big game. You’d been excited for this game ever since you heard about it, but the nerves never actually hit you until this very moment. Your eyes scanned the large crowd, and you swallowed hard. People continued to pile in and you were certain that this was the biggest crowd you had ever played in front of. But, this was only one reason as to why your nerves were in high gear.

Not only was this a really important game for your team, as it would determine where you stood for the championships, but this was also the first game that Niall would be in attendance for. He promised you that he would clear space in his schedule to make it to this game for you, no matter the cost. He did end up missing an interview for your game, which didn’t go over very well with his management, but he wasn’t about to back down on his word to you.

Your breaths became unsteady and you could feel your palms growing sweaty. You were chosen to be in the starting lineup for this game, which you were beyond excited about, however, this also meant that a lot of people would be watching you and judging your every move. You leaned forward and did a couple lunges to warm yourself up before your coach called you all in, just a minute before the game was to start. Your team huddled up and you all wrapped your arms around each other.

“You girls have made it this far,” Your coach said. “Don’t let it stop here. We’ve got the skills to take this all the way, keep that in mind. Remember, this is your game. Now let’s do what we do best and win this thing!”

After the quick breakdown in which your team placed their hands together and shouted the team name, it was time for you to take your position on the court. Crouching down in your starting position, you braced yourself by fisting your hands together.

The seconds flew by, and before you knew it, the game was in full swing. Your team was already down by five points and you concluded that this game wouldn’t be as easy as you were hoping it would be. However, you had a strong team, and you didn’t let this poor start discourage you. Up until this moment, you had almost forgotten that Niall was there. In fact, you wouldn’t have even thought about it if he hadn’t suddenly caught your attention.

You made the mistake of glancing up to observe the audience. Niall was the only person standing, as everyone else was calmly seated around him. He was jumping up and down, throwing fists in the air. You smiled when your eyes landed on him.

He shot you a thumbs-up, and even through the noise, you heard him shout, “You’ve got this, Peyton! C’mon, princess!”

You nodded at him to acknowledge that you had heard him, before turning your attention back to the battle that was unfolding before you. The game carried on, and though your team was behind for some of the game, you somehow managed to pull through in the end. You were able to go home with one step closer to the championships as well as a supportive boyfriend to celebrate your win with.

**I really don’t know anything about volleyball, since basketball is actually my favorite sport. So, I hope this is at least a little accurate haha! I also hope you enjoyed it!**

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