Imagine for Tara!

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You had just finished tidying up the kitchen when you heard a heavy knocking on your door. Your eyebrows knitted together with confusion as you hesitantly went to answer the door. After wiping your hands over your pants, you wrapped your palm around the doorknob and tugged it open, to see Niall’s smiling face standing behind it.

“Niall,” You whined. “The party doesn’t start until 4:00, why are you here so early?”

His eyes scanned over your lazy outfit, and he glanced behind you, before shaking his head at you. “Are you seriously cleaning on your birthday?” He rolled his eyes and invited himself in, kicking his shoes off along the way. He raised his eyebrows and motioned to the cleaning supplies you had scatted around your house. “Pretty sure this is the last thing you should be doing today,” He told you.

You shrugged and picked up a bottle of liquid cleaner, spraying some on a table and scrubbing away. He sighed and shook his head once again, grabbing your wrist mid-air. He took the bottle from your grip and instead handed you a white box. “Open it,” He instructed, setting the bottle aside.

“I don’t have time for this,” You protested, looking down at the box in your hands.

“Well, I’m here, so now you do,” He said, eyeing the box.

You slid your hand around the edges of the box, loosening the lid. Your eyes widened as you pulled the lid off, and you were met with a white dress. You glanced up at Niall to see him smirking at you. “You didn’t!” You gasped, pulling the dress out of the box to see that it truly was what you thought, and were secretly hoping, it would be. A few weeks ago, you had gone shopping with Niall and you spotted this exact dress, falling in love with it immediately. It was knee-length, and it was white in color, but it was dotted with silver glitter around the rim of it, and there was a matching sliver bow tied around the waist of the dress. At the time, you decided against buying it for yourself, convincing yourself that you really didn’t need it, even though you really wanted it.

“Of course I did,” He beamed. “Now, go get changed and I’ll finish this up for you,” He said, grabbing the bottle of cleaner.

“You are seriously the best,” You breathed, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close to you in a bone-crushing hug.

“I know,” He cockily replied, letting go of you and instructing you again to get changed.

Squealing with excitement, you hurried off to your bedroom, clutching the dress in your tight grip. After sliding the dress over your figure, you examined yourself in the mirror. Your hands glided along the material, and a satisfied grin spread across your face. Turning in a full circle, you observed the dress to the best of your ability and clapped your hands together. Listening to Niall’s soft voice as he mindlessly sang while scrubbing away at a window, you slid into a pair of flats. Inhaling a deep breath, you looked over yourself in the mirror one last time before happily skipping your way out to show Niall.

“What do you think?” You asked in a chirpy tone, spinning for him.

“I think you’re beautiful,” He commented, before standing on the tips of his toes to dust the top of your bookshelf. You blushed slightly and engulfed him in another hug, from behind this time, as he attempted to rid your bookshelf of the dust.

“Thanks, Nialler,” You whispered, swaying while holding onto him.

He hummed and his hand landed on top of yours, which was wrapped around his waist. He gently tangled your fingers together, looking at you over his shoulder. You backed away from him for only a moment, so that he could turn and face you. He, too, wrapped his arms around you and you felt his breath across your neck as he spoke, “I love you, Tara.”

Your breath caught in your throat, and at first, you wondered if you were just hearing things. He lifted his head from your shoulder and his blue eyes blinked at you. Your hands wandered up to tangle in his hair, tousling it slightly. “Really?” You squeaked, mainly because you were so shocked that he actually said these words to you. These words that you always wanted to hear.

“I wouldn’t lie to you on your birthday,” He said with a chuckle, and you only held him tighter.

“Thank goodness,” You breathed. “Because I love you too.”

His forehead rested against yours and he pressed his lips to yours, smiling.

**I don’t know about anyone else but…feels!! I’m so pleased with the way this turned out! I hope you liked it!**

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