The Horan Twins- Epilogue

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Okay so I wrote an epilogue! I just love this mini series too much, and I had to give it a happy ending! I couldn’t leave you guys hanging like that! So here it is! Thank you all so much for all of the positive feedback, and I hope you enjoy this! <3

**Eight years later**

You still remember waking up that one morning to the sound of a familiar Irish accent calling your name. Your palms were sweaty, as you’d just woken from a nightmare and you were certain that you were still just hearing things. You jolted upward and forced your eyes open to see two smiling faces staring back at you.

“(Y/N)!” His voice echoed in your mind. “(Y/N), we’re back! We’re home!”

You thought it was all just in your head until you felt the bed shift, and soon enough you were being tackled by your favorite twins.

“Oh my- Niall!” You exclaimed, grabbing him and holding him as close to you as possible. “James! James, get your butt over here!” You cried, prying yourself away from Niall only to hug his twin.

“Oh my gosh, what…what are you guys doing here?!” You were so happy that you were literally screaming as joyful tears ran down your face.

“Well, last night, we were thinking that it’s about time we come back,” James started. “Back for you, (Y/N).”

“And so we flew all this way to get you!” Niall exclaimed, tackling you in another bone-crushing hug.

“To get me? I don’t underst-” You were interrupted by Niall’s cheerful voice.

“You’re coming back to Ireland with us!” He shouted, pulling you from your bed and reaching for the suitcase that you kept under your bed. Wow, he still remembered that was there.

“What?! I can’t just leave!” You protested, sliding into a pair of slippers. “And how did you guys even find me here?”

“We asked your mom where you were living,” James smiled. “We have our sources.”

“Don’t argue with us, just hurry up and pack your bag! Our flight is in an hour and you’re coming with us one way or another,” Niall smirked, tossing your suitcase on the bed and tearing open the drawers on your dresser.

Needless to say, you went with them. And, well, here you are. On your wedding day.

“You look gorgeous, darling,” Your mom smiled, her eyes were growing watery. She leaned in and pulled you into a hug. “I love you. And I’m so proud of you,” She whispered.

“I love you too, Mom,” You nodded.

At that moment, Maura walked in with the biggest smile on her face. “Oh my goodness! (Y/N), you’re stunning!” She gasped, opening her arms to give you a hug, as well.

“Thank you, mum,” You said to her. It was decided a while ago that you would refer to Maura as your ‘mum’ and your actual mother would be ‘mom’. “How’s Niall?” You asked, running your hands along your white dress.

“Nervous,” Maura said, rolling her eyes. “No matter how many times I tell him there’s nothing to be nervous about!”

“I’m nervous, too,” You said, taking a deep breath. “What if I choke up, or mess up? This is a moment that you can’t take back!” You began to worry.

“(Y/N),” Your mother started, resting her hand on your shoulder and looking into your eyes. “Let me tell you something. Do you remember that day when the boys moved in? You were so excited to meet them! Remember how I finally agreed to take you over to meet them? I will never forget how bright your smile was when you saw them. I’d never seen you so happy! And that wasn’t the only time; every single time that you were with them, it’s like you were so happy. Nothing else cheered you up like those boys. The point is; I knew. I knew right away that you would last with them forever. And, then, there was something about Niall. You just seemed to attract to him a little better, which I could never understand since him and James are identical. But, if it was ever possible, your smile always grew just a bit wider around Niall. That’s why it’s no surprise to me that he’s the one you’re marrying today. I honestly think you couldn’t have made a better choice of whom to spend the rest of your life with.”

You wiped at your eyes, probably smearing your makeup with all of the warm tears. “I really love him,” You choked out, sobbing by now.

Your mom smiled and leaned in closer to you, whispering, “I know.”

“C’mon, love,” Your mom extended a hand to you, “Go marry that boy!”

You giggled as she led you out of the room, Maura trailing behind you with a satisfied smile on her face.

And the next thing you knew, you were staring right into Niall’s warm eyes. He smiled at you with a twinkle in his eye. He mouthed, I love you. And you nodded as to say, me too.

He looked you over, his face lighting up. “You’re so beautiful,” He whispered.

You blushed, “You’re so handsome!”  His cheeks flushed a pink color just as yours had.

You were going to wait to say it, but you felt like now would be a good time.

“Niall,” You started. He looked up at you, his soft expression calming you. “I’m so glad you came back for me.”

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