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Hy everyone!  This is your Author Joonie,before you start reading this story I like to tell you that this book was my first work on watty so you will definetly gonna meet the grammatical errors,unperfect scenes description and cringey smut scenes. I had no idea at that time like how should I write book,I am still working on my writing skills and I am improving plus I don't want to edit this book cuz I want you all to see my improvement and it may also relate to those ones who wanna write but can't bcz they think they don't have proper skill of it after reading other author's perfectly written books . We all messed up at first but then we re-write but here I am not gonna do it. Now you can enjoy!

�J-the Killer�

Love Triangle

7 November 20xx

(Place-seoul, south korea
Timing Midnight- 2 am)

''Where is Y/n????'' Injured Jungkook asked hotly.

''Sir we are trying our best to find her. Please sir your wounds are still fresh please calm down..'' Constable answered, trying to calm him.

''Still trying?? She has been missing for a week and you think he let her live all these days.. Fu©k!ng where is your senior??'' Walk towards the inspector room and slam the door harshly. ''Yaa kim Taehyung where are you stupid @$$???'' Jungkook yelled.

''Watch your mouth playboy.. This ain't your office..it's the government's Place, it's a police station.. Behave yourself..we are still working on Y/n's searching case. We still didn't find any leads.'' Taehyung replied arogantly.

Smirk. ''Really?You are still working, then let me tell you one thing. You can't find her because it's too late to find her. Because maybe that stupid b®@t would've killed her... And you know what thanks for your help but I don't need it anymore because I know who is behind all of this and I swear once I grab him I gonna stab him straight in heart.'' Jungkook left and shuts the door with loud thump.

''Jungkook don't be stupid,STOP..'' Taehyung shouted.

(Author's pov)


(Five months before Y/n's kidnapping)

(Five months before Y/n's kidnapping)

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''Mr. Hyun Bin, please wait 5 more minutes..our CEO will be here in no time..'' Seokjin trying to convince.

''Why should I wait for him that much. He is already 15 minutes late... What does he think about himself huh?? Just because he earned all this success in a short time doesn't mean he disrespect me like this.. He is still a kid in front of me..''

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now