Team YoonMinKook

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��J-the Killer��


Team YoonMinKook

•Author's pov•

(A Day Before Kai's Runaway)

Jimin was at his home taking shower at midnight,after exfoliating his whole body he stood under the shower,his eyes closed and head down. Probably people take showers at night to relax themselves,so he was also taking the shower for the same purpose, although his mind was unsteady because of the situation. He raised his face to feel the warm water.

While thinking about the current situation as usual, he was trying to find a way to reach Y/n,and a master plan came to his mind.

Jimin smirked while making up the plan inside his head, quickly completed the shower and called Yoongi after getting out of the shower in his indigo bathrobe.

''Hello! Mr. Min! Where are you right now?'' Jimin asked on the phone.

''What the fuck Jimin,where do you want me at two am at night. Why the hell are you disturbing me at this time?'' Yoongi responded in his drowsy voice with the hint of irk in it.

''Sir, I have a plan to arrest Jin and get back Y/n,safely. I need to see you right now,I can't explain the whole thing on the phone. '' Jimin said.

''Okay then come over here.'' Yoongi's slumber vanished when Jimin mentioned Jin in his sentence. He sat on his bed and wore his night deep blue gown on top of white shirt and left for the living area.

 He sat on his bed and wore his night deep blue gown on top of white shirt and left for the living area

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''Are you kidding me? What made you think I'll agree on your stupid plan Jimin?'' Min pissed at him after perceiving his idea.

''Sir believe me,this can solve everything. All you need to do is release Kai with Jungkook and set up your men on spots that I mentioned.'' Jimin tried to convince Min of his plan.

Min knows that he needs to give an explanation in front of higher authorities for his actions if he follows Jimin's plan but there was also a pressure on him to solve the case as soon as possible because reportes of human slaughtering started in places near Seoul and doubt was circulating on Jin.

''Did Jungkook agreed on you?'' Yoongi sighed and thought for a while, a question grew in his mind that he could use to decline Jimin's plan.

''I know he would do anything to save Y/n that's why I approached you first,I know he will agree with me.'' He was completely assured of Jungkook because he knew Jungkook's love for Y/n.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now