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��J-the Killer��

ꕤScrewed Sugaꕤ

𖤐Yoongi's pov𖤐

The certainty of peace,balance,law and orders,these are the recipe to keep a society safe and secure for citizens and it's all on our shoulders, fuck like we do not have a family or what. I remember my college days where I was less in studies and more in activities like football and rugby but there was a girl in my batch who had this perfect curvy body and an adorable face like an angel. Her nose was turned-up between her almond eyes and heavy bottom lip. Although it's not a trend or fashion in Korea to have tan skin but her richness from Mexico made her skin Sun-tanned as she went there in her every end of semester.She was unique among every girl and most importantly she was ingenious. Our eyes landed on each other once when I got injured during my rugby tournament and she was part of our medical team as an intern. Thus we started dating each other and got married after dating for two years. Her mom was the professor in our college and always treated me as a mischievous student and was happy because her daughter and I met as opposite attractions.

She was shy,reserved, sheepish and I was a bold,famous boy and far from studies. Our marriage was a bombshell. Everything was smooth, sexy,rich and balanced. We both were busy with our career. She became a doctor in Psychology and I upgraded my position from Inspector to Commissioner. She had mostly worked out of the country so we did meet with each other after a month's gap. Our intimate nights where we didn't spare a fall of lash to sleep and spent it with all sloppy and fucking. Her fell on my chest after every cock riding and kissing my nose with her triumphant smile,concealing the hickeys on her neck and blaming me for that,burning the eggs in morning that supposed to serve as breakfast and looking at me with a pout and saying ''I do not belong here.''

We were perfect and our life became more delighted when we became pregnant. She took maternity leave from her field and started self caring for the baby and her. It was a girl! On the other hand as a new commissioner I had pressure and a lot of undo work so I kinda stuck with my job. She never insisted but as a husband it was my duty to be with my wife in her sensitive moment. I never thought my life could be fuck me raw but it does.After nine months the day that supposed to be shiniest day of our life became the cursed day. It was a rainy day,as usually I was in Headquarters and she was with a nurse at home.

I remember she was pale since the morning that day and for the first time in the process asked me to stay at home but I shrugged it off and left her to the nurse. Her water broke after my leave and as I mentioned earlier it was raining cats and dogs outside! Unfortunately her car was also denied work on that day and the driver started looking for another vehicle. Nurse called me and requested me to come home ASAP. She told me that she fainted on the floor and there is no convenience. I moved out from the office and, to my bad luck, I got stuck in traffic. Driver called the ambulance and it took thirty minutes to reach my home.

They took her fainted and pale self to the hospital and admitted her to emergency. I got the news and drove straight to the hospital. As I entered the hospital a slap of thick sorrow and dread hitted my face and it became more and more heavy as I approached the ward. The nurse and the driver were outside with their hung faces. My daughter died in her mother's womb and my wife was struggling between death and life because the baby left the infection inside her. Her mother came and hugged me and gave me the words of solace. By god's vision my wife won over the death but came to sense with a deep sorrow and regret on her face. Everyone came inside to see her but my feet were frozen as I know that it was all my fault also. I entered and it was like an explosion inside her. The sheep-like woman was spitting lava from her mouth. She lost a liter of blood in the process but still her inside hurted and shattered mother was in full energy. She slapped me,yelled at me and even swore at me. Her mother controlled her as she wailed and grunted in her embrace. I was also crying and tried to hold her but she rejected my touch. After recovery she sent her mother to my house for her belongings. I tried to meet her but she declined and warned me that if I tried to get close or came in front of her she would slit her wrist. She separated from me and removed my Surname from her name too.

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