🇨🇵Aubert Juri👩🏻‍⚕️

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�J-the Killer��

Aubert Juri

Author's pov

Somi and Yoongi were discussing the case inside her cabin when Sana knocked on the door.


''Dr. Somi! Kai got his consciousness, you can continue the interrogation.'' Sana was standing at the entrance of the cabin,holding the wooden green striped gate.

Somi nodded in response and they all went to Kai's cell again for the interrogation.

''How are you feeling now? Able to answer?'' Somi crossed her legs on the chair and asked Kai who was only hand cuffed on his chair.

''Like you care,Doc? You both are pathetic halfwits. What are you both thinking huh? You can handle this case? Normalize everything that happened before?'' He laughed loudly in his maniac voice.''Hey everyone,give an applause to the couple who can't even save their own child. By the way Docy Somi, I heard that they remove your uterus as it got infected because the baby pissed inside you? So sad isn't it? But I am damn sure the baby was disgusted because of your husband's ugly mug and refused to be born and die. Our poor Somi.'' He pointed at Somi and Yoongi,his spooky joker smirk was the dagger for Yoongi.

Everyone inside the cell was trying to control their anger and piercing Kai with their intense glare. Somi was in an urge to cry but she kept her tears inside her eyes by looking at ceiling.Yoongi was also clenching his teeth but when his glance flickered on Somi his fist turned into a punch but Somi holded his hand and chafed his fist slightly as a gesture to relax and he sat back on his chair.

''Just shut the fuck up and tell us what is wrong with your psycho ass friend.'' Sana's knitted brows and clenched jaw showing the ultimate aggression. She yelled at Kai but he only smirked in response.

''Oh,oh! Ms. Sana you are a trainee and I am more senior than you so pay respect and what kind of doctors I am having? You guys even can't tell the patient's disorder but asking another psycho about it?''

''Your friend is struggling with Dissociative identity disorder that increased inside him after his tragic break up with Juri and now he is identifying Y/n as Juri and also killed models because they were whoring around him. Am I right? Kai?'' Somi glared at Kai with a raised eyebrow and tilted head.

Kai softened his stare on her and looked at her in an adoring way. ''Aww, that's why you are my favorite Dr. Somi. I wish I would've met you before Mister Scumbag, but destiny fucked with everyone, Raw! And yeah you are absolutely correct.''

''How did you met him?'' Somi asked calmly.

Kai sighed,his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he recalled his memory of the first meeting with Jin.

''I was on my way to export the drugs to a club in Itaewon. I was in my car when I saw a young handsome boy sitting on the side of the road. He was shivering ,crying, sorry wailing! All the cars and other vehicles stopped at the red light,everyone crossed except him.'' Although Kai was a pathetically psycho bisexual person but when he narrate the status of Seokjin on their first meet,his voice was heavy and face was grim and sorrowed. ''It was Seokjin, sitting on the road with a flushed face,baggy,puffy,red eyes. Ash lips and terrified figure. Totally frightened,looking here and there on the road like a five years old boy who lost his mother in an unknown city. I went to his side and approached him. We were unknown but when I put my hand on his shoulder, he looked at me with his sad,wet eyes and hugged me instantly. I never felt any emotion in my entire life except that time. Then I took him with me,fed him in a restaurant and called Dr.Do-San.He said to bring him to his private clinic and I did,he checked him and declared that he is in the reconstruction phase of PTSD. He said that I should take care of him and explain to him how to live life fully and perfectly.''

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