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J-The killer


No Bad Intensions

(Scene continued from the last one's ending)

Kai- Sir,She is dead...

Hoseok- No,no it can't be happen. I can't believe this(Nervousness on the face Sweat on the forehead and lost consciousness)

Kai- Sir but she is dead I checked it.(still sitting in front of Moonbyul's body)

Hoseok- Kai took her to the hospital maybe they can do something. (He stood up from his place)

Kai- Okay Sir, if you are saying. I'll take her to the secret way..

(After that Kai hold her in his hands and went to the hospital from the secret way.. After an hour kai Called him and told him that doctor said she lost a lot of blood and A piece of glass entered the brain, due to which the brain's vein was cut.. Hoseok's expression, sense,thoughts everything become numb. Kai buried her body and straight visited to Hoseok's house to comfort him)

Kai- Relax Sir, everything will gonna be okay(gave him a glass of water) Now tell me what happened?

Hoseok- (sobbing) She said she was pregnant with my child but I never did anything with her or anyone. I even never had any girlfriend in my whole life.( puffed eyes,red face, messy hair, looking like a destroyed man)

Kai- What she was pregnant? (He stood up infront of him)

Hoseok-(raised his face and looked at him) what happen? Why you are looking so shock?

Kai- Me and Moonbyul had sex on the event night. First we dropped you to your home because you were so drunk.Moonbyul drived and I stayed in car when she took you inside your house. When she returned we make out in my car. But why she lied to you?

Hoseok- I knew she was lying but she was carrying your baby and I killed them (started crying again)

Kai- don't cry sir. We didn't know the fact that she was saying Lying or not and it doesn't matter now because she demised. Don't worry sir leave it to me I am gonna cover up everything.

(Author's pov)

Y/n was in her room When Her dad came to inside her room

(Knock knock)

Y/n- ( raised her face)Please come in.(smiled when she saw her dad) you don't have to knock on door dad, just come in straight.

Mr. Ahn- Actually daughter there is a boy with me who came to meet you (he turned a little back and that boy showed his face)

Y/n- Taehyung (shocked but happy)
What are you doing here? Uhmm.. Dad meet him He is Kim Taehyung my friend.

Mr. Ahn- Yeah I know we had a little conversation downstairs. Okay so i'll take my leave now. I have some works outside. I'll meet on dinner okay Y/n take care of yourself and its nice to meet you young officer.. ( he shaked hands with him and leave the scene)

Y/n- (slapped his shoulder) Yaah you should call me if you wanted to meet..

Taehyung- Your hands are too light to hurt me. Can I take a seat now?( he sit down on her bad and She also sat infront of him)

Y/n- So what brings you here?

Taehyung- You got me 😂. Do you know about this news. Hwasa is disappeared from Last two weeks.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now