👥Players Of The Year😎

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��J-the Killer��

𖤐Players Of The Year.𖤐

''Jungkook!'' Jimin stood straight from that fainted girl's sight,completely nonplussed by his appearance.

''Who is she, Jimin?'' Jungkook pointed at the girl whose face was covered by her own hair and she was wearing a khaki mid-gown.

''Did you shoot my Guards? How can you come inside at their escorting?'' Jimin yelled at him with his stony face.

''For fucks sake Jimin! Nobody dares to fuck around me. Now tell me who is she?'' Jungkook responded pensively.

(Jimin placed his hands on waist,exhaled a sigh and crouched down at the girl and swept aside her hair. Jungkook was glum but after seeing her face he was stunned. Jimin picked the girl and placed her on the bed and looked at her with guilt in his eyes. As the side lamp illuminates on her face she is recognised as a woman in her 30s with mid-long hair length,plumpy lips and nose as same as Jimin.)

''Noona! What happened with her?'' Jungkook asked as he figured out her ill- condition.

Jimin sat on the edge of the bed chafed her forehead and wrapped the maroon duvet around her. ''Noona is sick, mentally. Comorbid PTSD. Fifth stage. When I was sentenced in jail, an underworld august gang leader was pissed by my action because he thought that it might bring cops to them also. He found out about my sister and her family and shooted her husband in front of her eyes and left a message for me to her. Luckily In-Jae wasn't present there so he was saved.'' Jimin's eyes filled with rage and tears of guilt. Her sister and her family shattered and reason was him. ''I admitioned In-Jae in California's University. She forgot everyone, even her only child also.''

''Why didn't you tell me about this?'' Jungkook went close to her and sat on knees.

Jimin huffed a chuckle. ''Does it make any difference even if I told you before? I can handle my things on my own and her treatment is smooth until she tries to escape when she catches her senses. My sister and her husband suffered because of me. She was the one who took care of me when I left Busan after arguing with our parents.''

''I still remember how she adored me as you as I was also her little brother.'' Jungkook gathered the old good memories.

''I hope she gets well soon and then I depart her to In-Jae.'' Jimin swept up his lashes and wiped the corner of wet eyes. ''I think we should leave now. It's time for her doctor. She must be on her way. Come on get up.'' Jimin patted Jungkook's shoulder as he stood up.

(Jimin and Jungkook left the place and drove to Seoul in Jimin's car.)

''How you did this all?'' Jungkook faced driver Jimin and asked.

''What?'' Jimin responded while focusing on the road.

''Everything, first Daisy and now noona.''

''Correction,first noona then Daisy. She fell ill before her death.'' Jimin replied with his poker face.

''Daisy knew it? ''

''I was willing to tell her but her pregnancy came and I thought it can affect our baby so I decided to tell her aftermath but destiny was had plans since start.'' Jimin cooed sobbingly.

''That's why I love you Hyung! ''

''Don't! I am a well of secrets,contained others.Might you hate me after reveal.'' Jimin mumured in his breath but quite audible for Jungkook.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now