💜Jimin's New Love ❤️

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��J-the Killer��


Jimin's new love

Seokjin's pov

My slumber broke with the clank of steel metal on the floor. It felt like I woke up after a biennial. Again that dream came to haunt me. I slowly opened my eye lids and found an unfamiliar ceiling. Where am I?

My whole body was submerged in sweat,my heart was on the urge to get out of the rib cage. My breath was uneven and the last thing I knew was Y/n visited me with dessert at my house and this place is not my house but where I am?

The room has illumination of golden light that was coming from the lamp on the nightstand. I slightly turned my face towards the shine and found Y/n there,she was sleeping,her head was slouched on the side totally in an uncomfortable position but why is she looking wan and blenched?

I straightened on the bed and my brain hitted by shudder shock when my eyes caught the slit wrist of her and the dripping blood on the floor and making the bard on the floor.


Mazinta Strip Club

Author's pov

Jimin and Namjoon were drinking at their club's bar. It was midnight and probably the rush hour for every club but Jimin forbade the public in the club for some days only the VIP and reservation sections were open.

Both were on the little booze not because of drugs but the tension and flipping situations and person they acknowledged with.

Jungkook's deed was out of their thoughts. Whomever pursued what Jungkook did with Kai was enough to send them in shock. It was totally unpredictable.

Namjoon was rolling the ice cubes in his glass,he sighed and looked at his side at Jimin's worried demeanor who was circulating his finger on the edges of the glass.

''I can't trust anyone, Chim. Everyone is being an onion,showing their true selves layer by layer.'' Namjoon said while gazing at the left alcohol in his glass. He again looked at Jimin and asked. ''Can I trust you?''

''It's up to you,Hyung! What I can say?'' Jimin replied after sighing.

''Nothing is up to me or us! I don't know what I should say. My best friend provened as the psycho killer, who killed four girls along with my girl. Brutally! I even don't know, should I hate him or sympathize with him for loving a woman so much that now he became this mad!'' He quaffed the drink. ''Whenever I recall my memories with her my heart wants to kill him the same way he killed her. He was holding me with all his might when I saw her last time in that messy and chafed body.'' Namjoon gripped the glass. ''I hate him Chim.'' He clenched his jaw with rage in his eyes.

Jimin turned his face to him and rolled his tongue.

''I didn't want to tell you ever but I think you should know this now.'' Jimin said in his relaxed vocal but he was a little nervous revealing the real side of dead Solar in front of Namjoon. ''I fucked your girl!'' Jimin told him after a heavy inhale.

Namjoon stares at him in confusion. ''Was you also her ex?''

''No, a big no! I just tested her loyalty. Remember the day when you two returned from Hawaii and the next day you both joined us into the office where Jungkook insulted Solar indirectly and you left her in office.''

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