🖤Dark Side 😈

143 16 43

��J-the Killer��


Jin's pov•

After leaving the store I walked a little far with fast footprints. In that whole period of killing and chilling, the first time my heart was pounding like crazy.

''Will he tell the cops about me? Did he recognise me? What if he tells the media house? What if he follows me? No I can't take risks,not when I am this close to my plan.''

I placed my grocery bag on the passenger seat,locked the car and moved forward to the shop again.

When I reached there I saw the owner shutting the shop. I planned to slit his neck here in front of his shop but he left the premises before my appearance near him. Then I saw him taking the busy street to his home. He is definitely up to something!

I quickly moved forward to my car and followed him. After driving behind him for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes he reached for his destination and inhaled a sigh of relief and I took to.

I moved out of my car, took my hockey and hit behind his head when he was looking here and there for final check up. I quickly put him on my shoulder, laid him behind on the passenger's seat,cuffed his hand and foot and drove home.

Y/n's pov•

He was out of the house for the past one hour! He never took this much time while shopping!

I stood up from the bed and looked outside from our balcony but he was nowhere to be seen.

''Where is he?'' I asked myself and then a realization hit me. ''Is this the opportunity given by god to me to free myself from this monster?'' I returned to the room again and quickly went close to the door. It was locked!

I traveled my gaze at the interior to find something that may help me to unlock the gate but there was nothing. I checked all the drawers, shelves and vanity but there was nothing.I thought to find the spare key that Jin placed a few days ago in the book shelf but it was not there. I stood up from the bottom shelf and put a hand on my waist as I massaged my forehead. I was in the kitchen and then my gaze landed on the cutlery section where I caught a long pronged fork. My brain recalled the hack that I watched last month on youtube while scrolling randomly. I picked the fork and went to the door at the speed of light.

I crouched in front of the door to be on the same level of door lock. I inserted the folk in that door lock,a click sound roamed inside the room but it was useless.I tried this four to five times but still I was empty in results. I sat on the floor a fistfull of my hair I did in frustration. Then I looked again at the fork that was in my hand and then the lock. I realized that the door lock hole is small in comparison to the fork. I took a deep breath and bent the first plong of the fork with the help of plas.

''Help me Budhha!'' I chanted the name of god multiple times before my mission of escape.

As I inserted the fork again in the lock I tried to move it again and again, and then a wanted sound caught my ear.


I was at the seventh cloud,I unlocked the door. I stood up and extended my hand to reach the knob but, wait a minute!

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now