🌚Secrets Of Friends🌝

197 29 45

��J-The Killer��
Episode- 10

(❛◡❛)✿Secrets of Friends(❛◡❛)✿

(Taehyung was in his cabin when he got a call from his Female friend)

Taehyung- Wheein! (he smiled brightly when he saw the calling id)

(On Call)

Wheein- It seems like you forgot me?

Taehyung- (chuckle) You are not the kind of person who can go out of frame easily. How are you Pal?

Wheein- I am fine and Beautiful as usual, nothing new. Hey, I want to meet you. It's been really long since I met you.

Taehyung- Okay, meet me at Café. I knew a new Café. Let's hang out there tonight.

Wheein- Don't forget to send me the address.

(Taehyung sent Wheein Y/n's Café address)


(Author's pov)

(Jennie was in the studio, completing her new assignment. His cameraman is capturing the perfect pose given by her in a Cerulean and furry coat along with thin striped black crop top. The silver heart that is arrested in between the baby pink elastic choker on her neck,the White small pearls earrings which are matching with the necklace that is below the choker. She was totally drowned in the work that she didn't mind giving attention to the person who is admiring behind the cameraman.)

( the lighting is dark because of the theme and there was no heavy staff inside the studio nobody noticed Jimin there. Cameraman told Jennie to remove the accessories and coat for the next pose.

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