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��J-the Killer��


ಥ_ಥ Everything is wrong here ಥ_ಥ

(In Y/n's college)

(Irene and Sunmi were in campus garden writing their notes)

Irene- Sunmi you never told us before that you have known with Jungkook for a long time.

Sunmi- Our fathers were partners and friends back then, but Mr. Jeon is not a man of his words, also my father excluded himself when Mr. Jeon married Mrs.Jeon. (she replied while writing notes)

Irene- So do you have any contact with Jungkook?

Sunmi- No! We are bordered in Hy and hello. He is quite aggressive and irascible. Y/n is doing great by making distance from him.

Jungkook- I thought we were friends, Sunmi!

(Both girls looked behind and saw Jungkook was standing behind them holding Y/n's purse)

Irene- Jungkook! (Surprised)

Sunmi- Why are you here?(she identified the purse) What are you doing with Y/n's purse?

Jungkook-(he extended his purse holded hand towards her) Y/n forgot her purse in my car last time. Maybe you can hand it over her.

Sunmi-(she held the purse from the edge and put it inside her backpack) Sure! Why not...

Irene- Are you both hanging out these days?

Jungkook- Ask her... I should leave now! (Arrogant behaviour)

(Jungkook left the place and bumped with Y/n on the way out but he totally avoided her.)

Y/n- (she turned and screamed his name but he kept walking) What's wrong with him?

(Asked herself and move forward To meet Irene and Sunmi)

Sunmi- How r u been these days Y/n? (Slight smirk)

Y/n-(she sat on grass along with them) I am good... why? Why are you both sounding suspicious to me?

(Irene and Sunmi shared a quick glance and Sunmi revealed the purse Infront of Y/n)

Sunmi- Here.(put the purse on her lap)

Y/n-(relief sigh) Omg! Where did you find this? I lost it Yesterday. I thought I dropped it on the bus or somewhere else.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now