😈Devil Is Still Behind😈

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��J-the Killer��

�Last Episode�
�� Devil is Still Behind��

Next morning.•

•At Gangnam Super speciality hospital.•

Y/n woke up early in the morning to absorb all positive,fresh vibes of nature. One thing that she liked about her hospital's room was that it has a pretty nature's view.

She was looking outside through the window when her room gate opened revealing a smiling Jungkook with the tray of breakfast.

''Good morning bunny boy!'' Y/n smiled till her ears as she wanted to start the morning positively.

''Someone is filled with joy and freshness this morning. Good for you!'' He slid the chair for himself after placing the breakfast tray on the table.

''How are you feeling now?'' Jungkook pinched her cheeks only to receive an irk expression from her.

''Don't touch my cheek. By the way, I am better than ever. I want to use the washroom. Wait for me here. I'll have breakfast with you.'' Y/n quickly went inside the washroom and came back after ten minutes,struggling to tie a ponytail.

''Hey,hey wait. I got it.'' Jungkook took the scrunchie from her and tied a high ponytail as she liked.

''Perfect! Good job!'' Y/n complimented him and they both sat on the sofa to have breakfast.

''Hey,Jungkook. Where is Taehyung? I haven't seen him since last afternoon.'' Y/n asked while munching cranberry granola cereal with milk.

''I don't know,maybe he is at his apartment or hospital to see his brother.'' He responded while spreading jam on bread. ''Are you okay with the discussion of him? I know you faced a lot that's why I am asking.'' Jungkook hesitantly asked Y/n.

She sighed and put the bowl back. ''I am not scared of anything. I also wanted to be a Psychiatrist so,I'll think about it all as experience although it still gives me chills but it's okay. You can talk.'' 

''You know you are so brave and that's why I like you.'' Jungkook patted her head with a big smile.

They both were talking and eating when the door again opened, they looked in the direction and found Taehyung there.

Y/n's face brightened up more,the irony was Jungkook also passing him a fade smile.

''You two talk,I need to make an urgent call.'' Jungkook excused himself but Taehyung stopped him in his way.

''No it's okay. I need to talk with you both,please sit down.'' Y/n knitted her brows surprisingly. She gestured Jungkook to get back on his seat via her eyes when Taehyung eased himself beside a bean bag.

''Is everything okay? You seem nervous.'' She asked Taehyung.

Taehyung huffed a sigh.'' Yes,I- I am fine.''

''Then why are you not looking at me while talking?'' Y/n found a weird behavior that she never saw in Taehyung before.

He was trying to hide his tears by caging them inside his eyes. He again sighed heavily and looked at her with a smile.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now