🖇️Tangled Strings🧵

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��J-the Killer��


Tangled strings.

(1st October 20xx)

(As following Hoseok's statement, Taehyung started collecting evidence against Kai. He found Kai's presence in all three cases. In parking with Solar,on rooftop with Dead Moonbyul and he was also seened with Hwasa in his car and The person who dropped Wheein on Taehyung's door.But the hitch was that he can't arrest him only on accused's statement or with the footages and pictures because face was totally unrecognising in them plus Kai was not just an ordinary person he has strings and international connection. Taehyung pondered the question of who can help him. After a few minutes a name popped in his mind and he went to meet the person who is the only match in front of Kai.)

''Hy Jungkook! How you been?'' Taehyung visits him at Jeon world.

''I have a lot of work to do Copsy! Just shoot the breeze.'' Jungkook replied after checking some design binder.

''I need your help. Kai is behind in all these crimes!'' Jungkook's hands paused on binders and attention shifted on Taehyung's words. He slightly grinned and placed the binder on the table.

''And why do you think like that? Any corroboration? '' Jungkook asked with his pierced raised brow.

''Yeah I have footages and pictures but the thing is nothing is clear in footages.'' Taehyung replied with a worried tone.

''He is in the building, you can talk with him if you want.'' Jungkook told him.

''Where?'' Taehyung asked.

''In Seokjin hyung's cabin!''

''And why he is there?'' Taehyung questionably asked.

''Hyung is on one month leave. He took this long leave for the first time in his working career. Wait you didn't know it?'' Jungkook asked cautiously.

''I-i never noticed it.'' Stammered.

''One more thing.'' Jungkook picked up a pen and paper and wrote an address on it and put it in front of Taehyung. ''I think you should give a visit to this place.'' Jungkook gave a mystifying smirk to Taehyung.

(Taehyung picked the address chit and left his cabin. Kai was organizing some documents when Taehyung entered the cabin.)

''Can I have your minute?'' Taehyung closed the door and walked towards him with slow feets.

A cunning smirk flashed on Kai's face when saw Taehyung there gawking at him. ''Looks like you will kill me through your eyes, Officer! What brings you here?'' Wily Kai asked.

Taehyung threw the pictures in front of him on the table. ''Just accept your sins! Why are you doing these things?'' Taehyung speaks in a loud dominating voice,maintaining intense eye contact with him.

 ''Just accept your sins! Why are you doing these things?'' Taehyung speaks in a loud dominating voice,maintaining intense eye contact with him

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⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now