🤫 Jennie The Secret Keeper🤫

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��J-the Killer��


( º﹃º )Jennie The Secret keeper( º﹃º )

(The customized indigo outer marble of The building was stinking because of blood and the inner organs that came out of the bodies after bomb bart. Police were desiring to seal the whole building until the investigation but Senior Jeon handled everything. Bodyguards and constables were trying to stop the media persons who were trying to capture the accident in their camera but unfortunately security was triple,nobody can reach the incident area. Jungkook announced a two weeks holiday for every employee except the higher ones. Namjoon was shattered, his precious was blasted in front of him and he still has no idea who is behind everything. There wasn't much to collect for investigation. Only mangled bodies were there. They collect the big pieces in a clear zipper bag and the other necessary along with them.)

(Jungkook, Jimin,Seokjin and Namjoon were inside the building and Taehyung was outside with his team. Taehyung was sedulous when the siren's voice mixed in the air and he recognised that Deputy Min Yoongi reached at the incident building.)

Taehyung- Good Evening Sir! (He move towards him with extend footsteps and bowed in front of him)

Yoongi- Good Evening Inspector! (Both walked inside premises and the team behind them followed them)

Yoongi- It's a VIP case Taehyung, make sure to investigate everything in your proper senses. It's endemic to Seoul. Videos and pictures are spreading like a virus on the internet. People are raising questions about the system. Found the culprit before it became a National issue. Do you have any suspects?

Taehyung- No sir! We are still stuck in Hwasa's case and here we go again with two other models from the same company. (Crossed his arms behind, straight position.)

Yoongi- What are you talking about? Hwasa was also a model here?(cocked a brow in surprise)

Taehyung- Yes, she was appointed in their recent project on the place of Moonbyul but before anything could succeed,she died. (Sigh)

Yoongi- Does Jungkook have any strings in it?(doubtful thoughts and previous incident flashed in his mind)

Taehyung- Jungkook was the last person who was seen with Hwasa in her last moments. Also he also kicked Moonbyul from the company before her disappearance and Also he insulted Solar in his office.

Yoongi- (he thought for a while) Check their last meetups,calls,msgs,social media, everything. Don't let a single thing skip from your reach. I need to see Mr. Jeon.(he March inside building)

Yoongi- (knocked on door)

Mr. Jeon- (smiled) Mr. Min please come in! (He sat on his big chair and Yoongi in front)

Mr. Jeon- How are you Mr. Min? (Smiled in a calm way)

Yoongi- How can you smile in such a serious situation. Three models of your company died in the last two months. And the worrying point is Your son is having links in these cases.

Mr. Jeon-(his cherish smile turned grim) What are you trying to say?

Yoongi- (he picked the green paper weight from the table and said something while slewing it) You know what happened 3 years back! Your son is grumpy and has a waspish tongue. Daisy lane committed suicide it is true but the real truth is (he slide his chair more close to the table) Jungkook made her do that!

Mr. Jeon- (he swallowed his tension) He wasn't the reason... you know that. You were in charge of that case. He didn't tell her to jump from the 17th floor of her building; she willingly did it.

Yoongi- What would a girl be gonna do if the father of her child declined to be the father?(atmosphere of the room became deeply serious and silence kept for a while)

Yoongi- There is still no science exists that can take the measurement of Human's stress level. (He stood up from the chair and banged his palms on table that cause Mr. Jeon widen eyes)

Yoongi- If this time anything like that is found in these cases,I'll make sure to allow your son to taste the meal of Jail. Mark my words.

(Jimin was listening to everything behind the doors,when he felt Yoongi's presence towards the gate he sneaked inside the beside room and Yoongi left. After 10 minutes Jennie visited Mr. Jeon's cabin and Jimin again stick himself behind the door)

Jennie- G...ggGood Evening Sir.(she seemed worried and scared but found Mr. Jeon is more scared than her.)

Jennie- You seemed worried and disturbed.. Something happened?

Mr. Jeon- (he wiped the sweat from his temple) Jennie! You know what is happening here.. Please be careful and safe. I think you should leave the country for a few months.

Jennie- But sir I have projects and the new assignment is also near. I can't.

Mr. Jeon- Don't worry about anything.. I'll take care of it and one more thing... Don't tell anyone about Daisy's incident to anyone. Maybe they will interrogate you but trust me I can fix everything and You still urge for Jungkook.. Right?

Jennie- (she brightly smiled) Yes sir Don't worry about that... just take care of Jungkook.. I am Secret keeper. I will not speak a word.

(Jimin perceived all interior conversation from behind the door. He crossed his arms and smirk while leaning head backwards on door's glass smoothly)

Jimin- Let's see how long you will keep this secret in your womb.(smirk).

⚈͒◡⚈͒End of the chapter

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⚈͒◡⚈͒End of the chapter.⚈͒◡⚈͒

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