😈Game Begins😏

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��J-the Killer��


☀︎Game Begins☀︎

<1st November 20xx>

(Somewhere in Gwacheon.)

(Kai entered a second story bungalow that was built into a brown wooden sloping roof, and surrounded by wide verandas and a sizable swimming pool that has a mermaid foundation on beside the top. Exterior was enthralling and arresting because of the high gloss porcelain tiles that were the perfect match with the beige walls and glass black stripped doors. He put both dresses on the table and called the maid to take over the attire.)


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''Take them inside the bedroom and make sure it will not take any curved shape. Be careful. '' Kai ordered her and she took both dresses inside upstairs one by one.

''Would you please tell me why I am here?'' The maid asked bashfully.

''Because we will need a maid after marriage, that's why you are here. Healthy and alive! Kim Jennie!'' Kai smirked and dropped on the sofa.

''And why would I do that?'' She asked, being a little brave.

(Kai gawked at her with dragged sight,stood up and choked her,and slammed her on the sofa.)

''Because you love your life more than anything and if you ever try to skip,I swear I am gonna chop you alive and serve you as the supper of my dogs. Get it?'' He said aggressively while clenching his teeth against her ears. He stood up from her side and laughed maniacally. ''And don't depend on this landline,it only receives calls from only one number and that's mine.'' He said and left the interior along Wailing Jennie.


(At Kim's house.)

(Another same day for Jin but the only difference is Jin is wiggling around in his home making pancakes while dancing. He prepared his snacks and went inside his room and settled himself on the study table for the diary entry. He was blooming,his onyx orbs were sparkling, totally an exuberant Jin. He registered today's entry and ate his snacks and a name slipped from his mouth.)

''Ahn Juri!'' He laid on the bed and pillowed his hand behind head with a flushed face.

(Same day evening)

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now