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��J-the Killer��


<Seoul psychology hub>

(Taehyung rushed inside the hospital's wing and stopped his steps in front of Somi's cabin. He peeked inside and saw a patient inside,he waited outside on a chair until the patient came out and went inside.)

''Taehyung!'' Somi called his name gladly when he entered inside. ''Good to see you! Please have a seat here.'' Dr.Somi decided to do the appointments aftermath.

''My apologies, doctor, but I don't know you!'' Taehyung said in his gloomy voice.

''What happened? You seem upset.. Anything wrong?'' Dr.Somi said after analyzing his state.

''I don't know, doctor. I just want to know about my brother because it seems like I didn't know anything.'' Taehyung said with a heavy ache inside his chest and brain,voice also.

''Where is Seokjin?'' She asked curiously.

''Disappeared or as an inspector I say- he kidnapped my girlfriend and slaughtered two models.'' He felt the grief and spoke in heavy throat. ''It's not like my brother,I don't know what is happening? Why was he here? What kind of mental disaster does he have? Please fill me in.'' Taehyung pleaded.

''Hey kiddo,don't be sad.'' She huffed while recalling the past. ''I think there is something missing here. On 1st August 20xx,10 years back. A patient came into our hospital who always had glued eyes on the ground. His face was screaming that he hadn't caught any sleep since long. He was holding a ten years boy's hand with all care and shield. It was you palming your small hand in his. Seokjin was in a state of shattered but still his care was not less for you. He was my patient at first but because of my other schedule I passed him to our new and skilled psychologist 'Ahn Juri'. Your brother was struggling with 'Pavor nocturnus' in easy language Night terrors! I studied his file and took some therapy sessions also,that poor boy witnessed everything that happened with your parents.''


<4th December 1996>
<Gwacheon,Kim's house>

{Author's pov}

(Mr. And Mrs. Kim was packing their essential goods in two duffel bags because they were heading to Seoul for just two days. Fifteen years old Seokjin who seems more mature than his real age helps his mother in everything. His father was outside checking the car for the trip.)

''Okay! Everything is done. Thank you so much sweetie. You are my right hand.'' Mrs. Kim kissed his forehead and hugged him.'' May god bless every mother with a son like you! How are you gonna handle Taehyung?'' She fixed his hair and spoke worriedly.

''It's okay mom! I can and Noona is also here for my help. You go and return quickly.'' Seokjin gave his mother a soulful smile while looking into her eyes.

''Where is your dad?'' She asked while looking outside of the glass window in her room.

''Appa is outside,probably inspecting the car before the trip. Did you had lunch muma?'' Seokjin asked.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now