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J- The killer

Jung Hoseok

(Three days after Prom)

(In Jungkook's office)

Jungkook- Hyung you were telling me the name of our new partner yesterday.. Who is he??

Seokjin- (Jimin and shared a nervous look) You'll meet him today. I invited him in our afternoon meeting.

Jungkook- Why you both looking nervous is everything ok??(he looked at both of them )

Jimin- You were also telling us that you have a perfect model who can replace Moonbyul. So, who is she?

Jungkook-aah(he rub his forehead and put a flirty smile) I forgot to tell you. The girl you saw on yesterday with me. Hwasa.

Jimin- I am already agree with you (evil smirk)

Seokjin- Hmm, she has a perfect body. I am agree too(he think about her)

Jungkook- Hyung stop spending too much time with Jimin. His vibes are getting in your nerves.(he teased Seokjin)

Jimin- Hyung is too innocent to be a partner in my deeds(he said with a devil expression)

Seokjin- Hajima.. I am not intrested in Her. I was just thinking about her as a model nothing else.

Jimin- Hyung don't you have any girlfriend or had before??

Seokjin- When I was a college student I had a girlfriend. She was older then me.(he looked down while telling)

Jungkook- What happen then??

Seokjin- I really loved her but she didn't love me back. After sometime I found out that she is married and mother of a girl. I asked her why she did all this with me, so she told me that she was using me just to satisfy her lusty soul (Seokjin seemed really upset and Jungkook didn't like him to be upset)

Jimin- (back hugged Seokjin) Cheer up hyung it was just a past, try to forget it. I am sorry I asked.(Jungkook join the both and hugged them)

????- Brother's reunion 😊 can I join too???

(They looked at the direction from where voice is coming)

Jungkook- What the hell are you doing here???(his eyes filled with rage and anger)

Seokjin- (stuttering) J..Jungkook I called him here. He is the person I was talking about to be our new partner.

Jungkook- (he controlled his anger and to Seokjin) Hyung I really respect you in everything but I can't tolerate this person anymore...(he went to walk out from the room but Jimin stand in his way and tried to stop him)

Jimin- Listen Jungkook, we need an intelligent support please try to understand. It's for company's benefit.

Jungkook- I love to be a beggar rather than take him as the support. (He gave hoseok a scary look)

Hoseok- Jungkook listen to me if you don't like I will not visit here again but don't break this deal.

Jungkook- listen to me carefully Mr. Jung. I am not intrested to be with you in any other relation. So stay away from me and my company. If you want your soul in peace or you will gonna suffer till hell

(Everyone was frozen on their spot. Looking down on floor didn't know what to do)

(Author's pov)

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