Step To Hell

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�J-the Killer��

Step to Hell

•Jin's pov•

I was prepared for the attack on the person who was knocking on the door. I opened it and butterflies flew in my whole body when I saw the person at my door.

''Kai!'' I whooped his name and hugged him tight. He was smiling and I got emotional. I invite him in and I can feel that someone is not happy because of his presence.

''How are you and how you get out of the jail?'' I holded his shoulders as I was so emotional. How much he helped me all the time. Even handle the torture for me.

''I wasn't in jail,they locked me in Underground cell.'' What? They locked him in the mental asylum. Now I feel bad and hatred for Taehyung. How can he do this? ''But Hyung, that's not the time of discussion! We need to hurry up. Pack up your things from here and come with me. I'll explain everything to you.'' His appearance was dour,I can sense the sudden bothered air inside the room.

''Kai,tell me how you got out? I will not leave until you tell me!''

''Jungkook helped me get out of the cell.'' My eyes widened at the name,I looked back and Y/n was also shocked and speechless. ''We picked your wedding attire and we need to leave now because I booked your wedding venue for Tomorrow. Now please don't ask more,Hyung. They are aware of my escape and we need to leave now.''

Jungkook helping me get married to Y/n? That's suspicious, that's weird! Doesn't he love her now?

Without wasting further time,I picked the essential things with us. As usually Y/n wasn't the helping hand in anything. Kai left to get my car and place the bag in it.

''You wanna go in peace or should I inject you?'' I said to Y/n who was looking like a pale doll.

She didn't care to spare a glance at me and kept staring at the floor. I zipped the last bag and slid out the handle of it.

''You know I hate this behavior, I am aski...'' I was cut off by the familiar voice. I smirked before turning my head and looked at the person.

It's Jungkook!

Y/n's pov•

I am at a loss of trust now,who is doing what? It's all out of my thoughts. Neither know who's against me or who's not. How much a person could handle betrayals? How much a brain can contain flipping thoughts and confusion.

Seokjin was not my known or related person but Jungkook...

He was my childhood friend. We knew each other from primary school. We were best friends in matric class. How can he go against me? How can he help a person who is mentally sick and willing to hurt me?


How could you?

How could you? Jungkook?

''I think I can leave you to him. He is much more able than me to convince you with love.'' He slid the trolly bag on the wooden floor and stopped at the door where Jungkook was standing with a cheerful smile.

''You okay Hyung?'' Jungkook asked in his most delicate voice and Jin answered in a nod.

''I wish I had a brother like you rather than Taehyung. Thanks for everything you did and doing. I am out of words in thanking you.'' He appreciated Jungkook's emergency help for him and they hugged for a while. Jungkook didn't say a word but his eyes were sparkling while glancing at Jin.

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