The Solution

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��J-the Killer��

The Solution

•Taehyung's pov•

My head was resting on Y/n's hands when I heard chattering on the gate. I looked back,Irene and Sunmi were coming inside to meet Y/n.

Irene descently waved at me,I responded with a slight smile when I felt Sunmi's glare at me. She seemed annoyed by something or maybe it's her nature or she might have bumped into Mrs. Aubert, I guess.

''How is she,Taehyung? Any complications?'' Irene's concern for Y/n was clearly visible on her face,she was wearing beige loose pants with a baby pink tee and low pony going perfectly with her attire. I wish I had a younger sister like her.

''No,just weakness and stress. Doctors said she'll be fix soon if she stays with her lovables.'' I stood up and offered the seat to them and Irene sat on it and Sunmi was standing beside me.

She was in a knee length yellow and white striped jumpsuit,her doleful face and glum eyes were dropped on the white duvet. It's like she came to attend someone's death ceremony.

''She is well, Sunmi,don't be upset. Come on smile, it's not good for her to see us sad. Come on!'' I tilted my head a little to look at Sunmi's hung face as I patted her head with my boxy smile.

Next thing that she did perplexed me and Irene. Sunmi slightly rose up her face and next thing I felt her forehead on my collar bone. She was sobbing on me. My hands freezed in between the air,Irene turned behind only to get shocked as she looked at us with widened eyes. Somehow she was embarrassed when she looked at me. I chafed Sunmi's hair and Stuffed another on the pocket of my pants.

''It-It-Its okay,Sunmi! Don't cry,she'll be good.'' I uttered while trying not to show my uncomfort state but maybe my stuttering screamed my faze in front of Irene.

Irene stood up and removed her from me and made her sit on the chair. An awkward silence bordered us in that room,the three of us were so naive to say something but God's angels always proved their presence in sorrow and that's how my angel opened her eyes and at that moment I fell in love with her more affectionately and honestly.

••Psychology Hub••

•Jimin's pov•

Officer Min,Juri and I gathered in Dr. Somi's cabin,After Taehyung and Sunmi's visit to France Juri felt a huge regret for leaving her daughter and Love in midst. She contacted Dr. Somi and asked her for Seokjin's related documents to get throw his current mindset
As Somi was already studying Seokjin's case from basic to recent,Juri did the left work and they both are on the conclusion because his mental health report would've decided his fate in front of the judiciary.

It's the first time that the massive cabin of Somi is going to perceive the most grim topic of South Korea these days. Somi and Juri were sitting opposite me and Officer Min. The highlight of the room was black chained leather folder which was on coffee table and its read was 'Jin's Anatomy'

''That's the updated report,you can read it.'' Dr. Somi slid the folder with her index finger toward us.

Yoongi's eyes followed the file as I picked it up quickly and skimmed it.

''Can you please explain until he reads?'' Yoongi looked at Somi and she signalled Juri to explain to him,Juri nodded.

''As you already know about his 'Dissociative identity disorder' this disorder grew in a person when they had a severe trauma of childhood, accident, lost of loved ones and sometimes sexual abuse. Human brain has a lot of ways to overcome these disturbing traumas but it all finalized on our will,what way we wanna choose to forget those memories.'' Juri explained.

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