Arise Of New Love

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��J-the Killer��

Arise Of New Love

Taehyung's pov

Sunmi gave her a tightest slap. I can tell it was really painful on her cheeks because the sound roamed in that tiny room for a while and by the print she had on her cheek,showing total five long fingers.

''What are you doing Sunmi?'' I grabbed her wrist and pulled her slightly towards me while her death stare was never leaving Juri's face because she was smirking. Why is she smirking though?

''She deserves more than that! She ruined every single life that is or was connected with her.'' Sunmi roared in her heavy throat. Her eyes were flowing out the tears and tongue was lava.'' And look at her! How she is pampering herself,in here,totally relaxed and careless from the world. Let go of me Taehyung! I am gonna kill this bitch.'' She rushed forward to maybe fistfull of her hair but I somehow managed and gripped her from the waist and took her out of the resort,the driver was still inside the car and opened the car's gate when he saw me picking up Sunmi in between the air,holding on her waist from behind and she was kicking in air to get rid of my grip.

''Please take her to our hotel.'' I asked the driver after making her sit inside the car. I felt pity on her as she was crying a lot for Y/n and who is not crying for her? Everyone does.

Driver left to reach the hotel and I moved inside again but Juri wasn't there so I went to her suite. The gate was unlocked but I knocked on the gate before entering inside.

''Come in.'' Her voice was dulcet,same as Y/n. Pleasureable for ears although Y/n have her father's facial.

''Sorry for the hit you got on your face a few minutes back although you deserve it. Anyway,can you talk?'' I asked with a poker face.

She walked towards me,in slow steps. Her hands was wrapped behind her back and she was wearing cream pants with olive green blouse.''There is a thing called ''Manners'' in Korea,that you guys didn't depart here, with yourselves. I am a platinum packaged Psychologist here,that's why I smirked there when that tall girl slapped me on my face. You know our brain irritates more when it receives an unexpected reaction to an emotion or feeling. I am sure she was irked too.'' There is no doubt that the woman who is standing in front of me is wholesome. Perfect in everything,but no! I forgot that she is a selfish motion holder.

''You like to irritate people. Playing with their emotions and leaving them behind for your own benefit,cuz you are done playing with them..'' Her face was not showing any fear or grimness, not even guilt. Just a smile and eyes who were scanning me from up to toe.

''Do I know you? You seemed familiar..'' She said in her low seductive voice. She didn't give me any vibe of seducing me,maybe she talks like that. Many do.

''How can you forget me? Remember Kim Seokjin? Your youngest ex-boyfriend?'' I said sarcastically.

A wave of grim streamed on her face for a while, maintaining eye contact with me. She broke the eye lock and looked down at the maroon marble floor with a giggle and again placed her sparkling gaze at me with a smirk on her face. ''Taehyung? Right? The little cute boy who always ran behind his brother,always walked in the park while holding his big hands with the little palms. You appeared really handsome i say.'' She chuckled.'' Come on,Let's have a talk on that velvet couch with a cup of green tea.''

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now