😏Kim Jung-Un 😎

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��J-the Killer��


(Kim Jung-Un)

☂︎2nd october 20xx☂︎

☀︎Seoul psychology hub☀︎

(Taehyung visits at hospital sharp 10 am back then when he came the staff told him to come at 10 am because it's the time when Doctors are mostly completed their first schedule. He arrived punctually and approached reception.)

''Excuse me! I am Kim Taehyung from Seoul police station. Actually i want details about Jung Hoseok.'' Taehyung asked.

''Wait a second sir.'' Receptionist typed the name on the computer and got the details. ''Sir he was treated for Major depressive disorder by doctor Lee Somi. Let me know where she is!'' She called Lee Somi's cabin and her assistant told that Somi is absent but she has her patient's details. ''Sir Doctor is absent but her assistant can help you. Please take the lift for the first floor and on your right hand 314 cabin is your destination. '' Receptionist explained to him the way and he arrived.

''Ms. Sana?'' He asked the lady in her 20s who was sitting on the doctor's chair. She stood up and welcomed him.

''Yes I am Choi Sana! Please have a seat here.'' He sat and started his investigation. ''I want details about Mrs. Lee's ex-patient Jung Hoseok! ''

''Let me check.... 12 August 20xx,16 years old,Patient name Jung Hoseok and he was struggling with Major depressive disorder. It's an old entry.'' She read the information aloud that was saved in Mrs. Lee's desktop.''Okay.. Hoseok came to our hospital when his father passed away. His mother usually came with him for therapy sessions because he was 16 at that time and really close with his father. At the start it was just normal depression but his condition became worse when her mother also died. His normal depression turned into MDD and I still remember when he came after 2 years he had heavy eye bags and a skeleton body. His nanny took care of him a lot and his MDD treatment started when he was 18 and he recovered after 4 years.'' She elucidated him about Jung's medical case in her calm and even tone voice.

''Is it possible that an ex-patient can kill someone? '' he asked.

''We didn't guarantee that the disorder would return or not.It can be return with more strong effects. Patients with depression have low key social thinking. It might be possible because depression patients found everything wrong in the first place but if you are talking about Jung Hoseok! He was the most delicate and calmed patient. It's our routine to handle insanes but he was different. That's why the whole hospital adored him and he also came for a monthly check up routine. But I didn't saw him in a while because you arrested him.'' She chuckled on her last sentence and her gaze landed on the photos that were in his grip. ''Can I see those pictures?'' She pointed at his palm.

''Yeah sure.'' He gave her the photos and her eyes widened after seeing it.

''Oh my god! How did you know him?'' She asked in her calming but serious voice.

''Why? What's the problem?'' He straightened his posture.

''He is the worst patient that I have ever seen in my life. He is registered in Top 10 Insane Psycho patients. Don't say he is related with any of you or Hoseok.'' Her face was showing the fear of bad experiences that she may have witnessed in the past.

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