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��J-the Killer��

𖤐The Foreign Affairs𖤐

Y/n's povꕤ

Psychology says orange represents creativity, adventure, enthusiasm, success, and balance. Wrong! In my perspective it's a fucking gross color because this haughty sinister wore it a lot and I started hating it. Especially whenever he treats me like a doll,a messed up one. We spent a week in a super luxurious, moderated penthouse but all of sudden he packed up everything and left the place. As usual he replaced the car's number template and masked up before leaving. I have no choice but to follow him around like I am his Cavapoo. Beats me because he always drove from depth in forests and its a logic that he beated Naver maps in it,he knew more smooth ways than the app. He never told me where he was taking me and blindfolded me unless this time I got the location because I was friends with this environment since my childhood, we are on Jeju Island. My father visited here with me on my school vacation. Right now we are stuck in this sizable vintage house which is rare on this land. The view of the house was slopeside which I would enjoy if he wasn't with me.

''Why are we here? I like the previous place.'' I queried after gulping a spoon of tangy mango pastry.I tried to change the discussion as he always started blurbing on the wedding topic and how much he loves me.

''I saw a couple of Jimin's men in the premises right there.'' These words poured up hope inside me. I wish they would inform Jimin about us and the company and if they were there behind us,someone must be here.''But I puzzled them on the u-turn. They must be roaming inside the forest with lost tracks.'' He chuckled in his Volac vocal and splashed the water on my hopes.

''It's night and the forest has predators. They must be in danger.'' I put my mere concerns about goons that seems totally shrugged of by him.''

''Be thankful that I didn't kill them. I left them on the desire of their destiny.'' Ohh, he spared their lives, that's an irony. As a student of medicine and mastering in Psychology I can handle these kinds of situations but only if I survive the marriage because that's not the way I want the sun to rise.Did I mentioned earlier that how disgusting it feels to live with your mother's psycho ex-romeo.I can assure,that he has some mental disorders. He behaves like Satan and saint the next moment, he hates his name, when I called him Seokjin Oppa he pierced his onyx in my soul as if a gaze could kill that was the one he gave me before.

''Would you please unfold your plans now! At Least when I know that you know I am Y/n and I also know you don't love me. So why am I here? Revenge? On who? The woman who ditched you years back! She is not the one who left you only. She left me, her husband. Not to mention we are fucked up by same person but that doesn't mean you can kill people.'' I wiped up my mouth with the tissue and found a piece of cream on the tank top and wiped it off too. He was still glued to his posture on kitchen's slab,cogitating maybe on my speech that I gave earlier. I skated to him and offered the one last piece of cake with my calmest and honey dipped verbs. ''She will never gonna understand your pain. Move on to her. I can help you with it.'' I skimmed the spoon in the desert and slightly moved the spoon to his lips. He swept up his heavy curled lashes and again his onyx lenses taking the shit out of me. His eyes were sparkling with the kink plan that he had in his mind. It's soo close and fuck myself why I even try to chafe his stitched wounds.

''You are. Absolutely. One hundred percent Wrong!'' He fanned my ears with his warm,irked voice with a slice whispering and attacked my soul via my ear.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now