🤵🏻‍♂️Kim's Bride👰🏻‍♀️

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��J-the Killer��


ꕤKim's Brideꕤ

(Author's pov)

(2nd November 20xx)
Midnight 3 am

(Taehyung admitted Jungkook in emergency and Doctors started his treatment. The Accident news of Jungkook spreaded in the whole city like a fire,press and media houses congregated at the hospital because again something uncertain and menacing news popped out from the korea's most scandeled company. Yoongi reached the spot for inspection and he was all prepared to exclude Taehyung from this case if he still gave him assurity in case.)

(Jimin was outside the I.C.U ward distressed and petrub sitting on the bench. The I.C.U's gate opened and the doctor came out with a woeful face.)

''How is he, doctor? '' Jimin stood up from the bench and queried the doctor.

''He lost a lot of blood and also pieces of the car's front mirror gave him deep cuts on his face and head and the most worried part is.'' Doctor paused for a minute and completed it after a heavy sigh. ''A piece of glass roomed inside his skull and it may have caused his brain vein or muscle damage. We removed the piece and did the x-ray. Right now I can say that the next 48 hours is really critical for him,if he catch his consciousness in between two days then there would be no problem but if he stays unconscious after the period, he May remain in coma for life time.'' Doctor announced Jungkook's condition and passed Jimin after patting his shoulder.

(Jimin put both his hands on waist,looked above and sighed, maybe controlling the tears in his eyes. He went close to the circled glass ward's window and peeked inside at wounded Jungkook then He got a message from his bodyguard.)

''What the hell are you doing there? How can she escape? Find her before someone else catches her

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''What the hell are you doing there? How can she escape? Find her before someone else catches her. That Fucking Kai created a whole scene here and you added the salt on my open wound. Find her at any cost otherwise you'll face the grave danger.'' Jimin roared on the phone with rage.

''What happened? Whom were you blasting at?'' Taehyung perceived everything that Jimin said.

(Jimin's expression flickered pale and he started searching for an answer.)

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now