😴Dream Sequence😴

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��J-the Killer��

Dream Sequence

''Babe! I am going to the office in twenty minutes! Where are you?'' I rushed downstairs while fixing my tie. I called my wife who might be in the kitchen or garden. Almost everyday I prepare breakfast for my family but today's morning I had to leave early so I asked my wife 'Juri' to do it.

Two hands wrapped my wrist from behind and a woman who is thousands of times more beautiful than a nymph,she peeked to my face from behind.

''Don't go! I want you here tonight!'' She snuggled her face on my back and mumbled.

I caught her wrist and rolled her on my chest. I hugged her and sniffed her cologne.

''Your smell and smile is enough to made my day and I have to go sweetie, I have work.'' I kissed her forehead and a hand wrapped on her waist and another on her shoulders.

''Come on, Let's have breakfast! I made chocolate pancakes.'' She raised her head and placed her chin on my collar bone and lastly a bite on my jaw.

''Of Course.'' I whispered against her face. ''Where are my chipmunks?''

'Junwo! Nia! Breakfast is ready. Come downstairs!'' She called our son Junwo and elder daughter Nia.

''Yes moma coming'' They answered enthusiastically in unison. She got out of my embrace,chuckled while tying a messy bun.

They both ran downstairs and we four sat on the table to eat the brekky.

''It's tasty! But dad ones are more tastier.'' Our daughter said in a teasing manner to her mother. We chuckled at her saying.

We all completed our breakfast,children left for the school and I also was heading out when my wife grabbed my wrist.

''Come home earlier! I have a surprise for you. Nia and Junwo will gonna stay at their school tonight and I am also on leave.'' She said and pecked my lips and I left for the office.

I returned home at 7:00 pm.It was all dark when I entered our house.

''Juri! Where are you? And why it's dark?'' I called for my wife but I got no answer. I became worried at this point but then my vision caught yellow illumination approaching me from the kitchen.

I placed my bag on the side and moved forward to the kitchen and saw scented candles lit up on the table along with some food and wine from a little far.

I placed my bag on the side and moved forward to the kitchen and saw scented candles lit up on the table along with some food and wine from a little far

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A smile crept on my face and little I know where this night is going. My focus broke when I felt a ribbon over my head with a chit on its end that was saying pull.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now