♨️ Hateress 🤬

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��J-the Killer��


Jungkook's pov※

I was at Y/n's house. Her father was in deep sorrow because of his daughter's disappearance for almost twenty days. Our sources failed to find her. Jimin's men were also behind every possible single trace but still they didn't find anything. Also, the problem was nobody wanted to work against Seokjin or Jin! Whatever he is right now.

Irene was living in Y/n's house since the day she got kidnapped. She told me that Inspector Ji-Sung is a big help in the household and other things. I offered my concern but she said Mr. Ahn will not like this.

Taehyung and Sunmi returned from France with empty hands. I didn't believe this guy,did he really go there for investigation or to chill out?

As Taehyung's brother is behind everything,he was embarrassed to appear in front of Mister Ahn.

I looked at the interior and upstairs at Y/n's room. Irene told me she locked her room because her father always went inside the room at midnight and cried till morning.

Right now this empty,dull house sounding chatter as Sunmi also joined us. It's like we are having a school reunion, the only emptiness we have of Y/n.

''I am glad you both came over. I was really alone and upset here. It's difficult to see Mr. Ahn like this.'' Irene huffed. ''I hope they found her soon!'' tears escaped from her eyes and dropped on her lap.

''Don't cry. She will be Okay. She has to be.'' Sunmi sat beside her and wiped her tears with her thumb.

''I wish Y/n never dated Taehyung." sobbed."He allowed him to take her. How can he be so irresponsible?'' Ohh... finally she realized that dating him is a mistake!

''No Irene! You can't blame him for his Brother's doing! He trusted him but Seokjin betrayed his own brother! It's not Taehyung's fault.'' Wait a minute... is she taking sides? I never saw Sunmi talk like this.

''It is his fault too! As an inspector it was his duty to protect and secure the victims until they reached the station or handover them in their guardian's hand. But instead of taking them In police van he allowed his brother to take the girls in his own car to drive them to the station. Not properly but it is his fault too!'' I responded to Sunmi and in response she glared at me.

''Then it's also your fault Jungkook! because you invited her to your office for that idiot portfolio! If she wasn't there she shouldn't have been kidnapped.'' Sunmi replied arrogantly but why did she irk at me and Irene?

''Okay! Just cancel this conversation here.'' Irene said while wiping tears. ''Do you guys wanna see Mr. Ahn?'' She asked us.

''Yeah, I wanted to.'' I said.

''Me too!'' Sunmi said.

We all three went to Mr. Ahn's room. Talked with him a little,and he seemed a little happy after talking with us. He chuckled also. Irene told us he hasn't even smiled since the day of Y/n's disappearance.

''Thank you so much for visiting here!'' Irene came with us downstairs to drop us to the door.

''If you want we can stay here.'' I said and Sunmi nodded in agreement.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now