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Now On I Will Add Dates In Chapters... So Please Try To Remember Them....

J- The Killer

Step Brothers

1st August 20xx

(Inside Jeon World)

(Jungkook was checking some files of his recent project with Hoseok's company.... He found some mistakes and called On Help desk)

Jungkook- Seri Send Mr. Choi in my cabin...(he put the landline and after in few minutes Mr. Choi came inside)

Mr. Choi- Good Morning Sir! how are you ?(he greet him and Stand straight in front of him)

Jungkook- I am Good Mr. Choi.... well have a seat(he sat down on chair)
Mr. Choi Tell me one thing...
Who is the Director And Manager of Modeling department?

Mr. Choi- Sir Mr. Park Jimin.(he said)

Jungkook- Very good and What about Designing department?

Mr Choi- Sir Mr.Kim Namjoon is the Director and Manager of Desingning department... but what happened sir?
(Nervous expression)

Jungkook- Then why these files don't have the reports and signature of them?
(He threw the file on table infront of him)

Mr. Choi- I am sorry Sir... But I need to inform you that the both of them are not attentive in office these days..(he stand up from his chair and told him)

Jungkook- What you mean?(cold expression)

Mr. Choi- Sir Mr. Park is not coming to office for a long time and Namjoon sir has gone abroad on holiday for a month.

Jungkook- What he is still in overseas? (Sigh) okay you can leave and tell Mr. Seokjin to come here.

(Mr. Choi took his leave and told Seokjin to go to Jungkook's cabin)

Seokjin- What happened Jungkook? You seemed bothered (he looked at his angry face)

Jungkook- What is happening here hyung? Where are Namjoon and Jimin? Namjoon took his holiday leave one month ago and he is still in overseas... Why he is not here yet? When will his parties and Fun will gonna end?(firming in aggression)

Seokjin- Calm down (๑′°︿°๑)Calm down Jungkook. I will take care of everything.. don't worry....

(he gave Jungkook the glass of water and took the not completed files with him.... after that he walked out of the cabin and called them both)

(on call with Jimin)

Seokjin- Hello Jimin!

Jimin- Yes Hyung(heavy breath)

Seokjin- What's wrong with you? ( ∙̆.̯∙̆) are you are chasing someone or chased by someone?

Jimin- Both are wrong.( slight laugh) actually i am in Ilsan right now for somework...

Seokjin- Jimin I know your works really well.... You are the one who made Jungkook to agree on this project and now you went disappear like air.(He showed his anger and annoyance over the phone)

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