👰🏻Bridesmaid Jungkook🤵🏻

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��J-the Killer��

Bridesmaid 'Jungkook'

Author's pov•

Jimin flipped his hair when the water stream hitted his face. Cia stopped crying and stared at Namjoon with frowned eyebrows and perplexed expressions,confusion with a hint of stupidity filled the room.

 Cia stopped crying and stared at Namjoon with frowned eyebrows and perplexed expressions,confusion with a hint of stupidity filled the room

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Jimin wiped the water from his face and looked at Namjoon and then Cia foolishly. A guffawed by Namjoon attracted their both's stare at him.

''What? It's a water pistol idiot.'' Namjoon said to Jimin and cracked a loud laugh and went towards Cia.

He stood her up by her shoulders, Cia was astonished by the sudden change in his behaviour

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He stood her up by her shoulders, Cia was astonished by the sudden change in his behaviour.She ran towards Jimin and cupped his face.

''Are you okay?'' She asked Jimin.

Jimin nodded and stood up.

''What the hell just happened? What are you upto?'' Jimin hotly shouted at Namjoon while he was just laughing. ''Stop laughing!'' Jimin yelled.

''Okay,okay. I am sorry,it was just a prank with you Jim.'' Namjoon said in his defense.

''What kind of prank was that? You just drenched my blood. I am still feeling numb. Why you did that?'' Jimin cried.

''I am sorry Jimin but I need to do that! I didn't want you to feel what I felt in my relationship. I observed your behavior outside and when Cia told me about her that she adores a boy here and is willing to quit the job. I've got you both at this point but i wanted to know more about Cia's feeling for you and trust me she is true one.'' Namjoon explained his arrogant behavior with them a few minutes ago.

Namjoon cared a lot about his friends and family although he is an arrogant rich kid but had a soft corner for his loved ones. The reason he acted rude and tough with them was because he wanted to know how loyal Cia would be with Jimin.

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