❌A Wrong Start❌

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��J-the Killer��


�A Wrong Start�

•Taehyung's pov•

I vacated Y/n's room with her best friends inside and thought to check Jungkook.

I saw Ji-sung alone with Jungkook when I entered Jungkook's room. Jungkook was sleeping so without making any sound, I got out of the room quickly.

Ji-sung saw me and came after me.

''Where is everyone else,Ji-Sung?'' I muffled my palms under my armpits because the AC was working at minus temperature in the hospital.

''They all headed to Dr. Somi's office,she called and said to have an urgent meeting regarding Seokjin hyung. '' My concern for my brother was enough to make my body warm. I wanted to save him but I don't own any power right now,I even didn't know where they kept him.

''Sir,you should also be there.'' Ji-Sung said my will via his tongue.

''Take care of everyone here and don't tell Y/n about my visit to Hospital. Okay? '' Ji-sung nodded,I patted his shoulder while passing from his side towards the exit.

As I reached the hospital I found Dr. Somi's co-ordinator Sana on reception. She told me that four of them are present in the hospital and I can join them if I want.

I was going to open the gate when I heard officer Min shouting at Dr. Somi,Juri. I peeked inside and saw him coming towards the gate. I stood beside the gate but officer Min was in total rush,he didn't notice me outside and left the wing.

Then I heard Dr. Juri requests Jimin to help her in something. I eavesdrop more to get the situation more properly.

My goosebumps raised and tears filled in my eyes when I perceived what she was saying. She has a way to cure my brother,she sounds confident in her words. I want nothing but my brother back.

If I need to serve Jimin for my whole life in order to save my brother I will do that without any hesitation so,begging him for help is nothing for me.

''Jimin please... save my brother!'' Police academy made flower boys tough and rough, not evil. Wailing at just the thought of getting my brother back was quite obvious because I only saw him in my upbringing as family.

''You were there all the time? Hey Taehyung. Stop crying dude.'' Jimin asked doubtedly and handled me when he saw my weak and crying self. He hugged me just like my brother does in moments of sorrow.

''Please Jimin.. You are the only one who can convince Yoongi sir. I want my brother at any cost,I promise I'll take care of him and I will shift to another city with him. Please Jimin I can do anything.'' Both Doctors had grim expressions on their faces, Dr. Juri was sobbing when I cried on Jimin's shoulder and begged him in my muffled voice.

•Jimin's pov•

If anyone asks me what is humanity? I'll say help needies,console sad people,solve someone's problem and never take advantage of someone who is in a grave situation,etc.

I know how much love Taehyung has for his brother,he can do anything just like me. I can do anything to see my brother happy and well.

I should not do this but I can't see Jungkook suffering more because of Y/n. He deserves her and if that's the only way to make them closer,if it requires me to take Taehyung's advantage in his grave situation I will do that.

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