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��J-the killer��

�Torture �

Author's povꕤ

(King size oval bed that had an extra bouncy mattress covered with a floral printed bedsheet on it,fluffy cushions and pretty pillows was placed like they were making a border on the bed. This room has light blue painted walls and the smell of Jasmine organic candles making it more beautiful. LED star string lights hanging on beside the curtain wall highlighting the shadow of the person who was sitting behind this curtain and drilling his eyes on the wounded girl who is lying between on bed. This room is exactly like Moonbyul's bedroom,she carefully opened her eyes and felt an unbearable ache in head must be because of the wound. She moved her head on the right side and saw that Bottle of glucose was going inside her via her hand vein. She tried to look more and tried to sit up on bed.)

???- Need some help? (Male voice that has feminine pitch in it)

Moonbyul- Who is here?? What are you doing in my room?(anxious)

???- Me...(chuckle) I am your WELL WISHER.

Moonbyul- Look you can't scare me, reveal yourself otherwise I am gonna call the cops! (Scared)

???- Okay.. Are you ready to see me?

(He stood up and from the chair,slide the curtain smoothly and walked forward and stood in front of her wearing loose beige hoodie along grey trouser)

Moonbyul- Kai...(she widened her eyes and let out a relieved sigh) Ohh god you scared my ass.

Kai- Really? Did I? Huh(chuckle) how's you feeling now?

Moonbyul- My head will blast in no minute.

Kai- What happened between you and Hoseok? (Sharp expressions)

Moonbyul- (she scanned his aggressive expressions and tried to butter up the scenario)

Moonbyul- Actually, I told Hoseok that Jungkook fired me from his company and Now because they both are partners so Hoseok should represent me as his company's model but he denied it and we had an extreme fight.

Kai- (he exhale a playful sigh and took a pocket knife from his pocket) You know Moonbyul this sharp silver beauty can make beautiful tattoos on your face.(smirk)

Moonbyul- (her ashes face showing tremendous fear on her face, she swallowed her saliva in fear and widened the eyes on the sharpness of the knife)

Moonbyul- Kai I.....I...I swear I am....am not lying...(stuttered)

Kai- (he smirked and the next moment he choked her really hard and whimpered on her face) Don't play games with me you Slut... I swear if I start,you will not gonna like my game so, speak up you asshole.

Moonbyul- (he threw her on bed and she struggled to catch her breath back) I just wanted my job back Kai, that's all nothing more. I am just threatening him. I didn't mean it. I love you pls trust me.

Kai- (chuckle) I acknowledge my love. I also know that you lied about your pregnancy. I always put more condoms than cash in my wallet, I was wrong that you are innocent. You are the same as your best friend. You have to pay for it.

Moonbyul- Don't Kai.. Don't do anything wrong!

Kai- (wicked laugh) I already did! Don't you feel light on your chest? Just peek inside your Shirt.(baleful grin)

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now