🍷The Killer💔

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☺︎The killer☺︎

5th November 20xx

(Author's pov)

(It's been five days but Jungkook was still in his state showing less progress. His reports were okay but the problem is,he is still unconscious. Taehyung spreaded his team in Gwacheon's every corner. On the other hand Mr. Ahn was also depressed by her daughter's disappearance. Sunmi and Irene were also upset because of Y/n,the only thing that everybody knows was that the killer kidnapped girls and slaughtered them after a few days. Days were running at the speed of a bullet train and hands were still empty. Nobody knows where he vanished with two girls? Are they alive or not? Only a good thing that happened in between all of this was that the semen that police found on Hwasa's body was matching with Kai's DNA. Taehyung also disclosed the footage and pictures of him with victims. For the first time in all five months Yoongi was satisfied with Taehyung's work.)

(Yoongi appointed a new inspector as a help for Taehyung in case Han Ji-Sung! On the other hand Hoseok got the information about Kai and his past.Hoseok was removed from the charge of the killer and now action was taken for destroying the evidence and he was sentenced to two years and fined 5 million won.)

𖤐At Seoul police station𖤐

''Sir, I did my search on Kai and his previous interrogation officers said that he is a tough culprit. Whenever he get caught he always declined his crimes,it doesn't matter how much degree or officers asking him,he never accept but I found the key of the locker.'' Han Ji-Sung explained to Taehyung his research on Kai.

''And what is it?'' Taehyung checked the file reported by him.

''Every culprit has a weak side but psychopaths did not have a single one of it. Instead they have disliking and Kai doesn't like screech sounds. We can disgorge him like that.'' Han Ji-Sung smirked at his suggestion.

''Just wait for the tsunami in your life filthy brat.'' Taehyung cursed Kai while gawking at his picture.

(Now the story starts from the first chapter's flash forward.)

<7 November 20xx>

<Timing Midnight- 1 am>

<At City hospital.>

(Jimin was looking at Jungkook's fractured and unconscious self on bed. It's been a week and he has not opened his eyes yet. Jimin holded his hand and put his head on Jungkook's hand. Suddenly Jimin felt a movement in his fingers and looked up at him with wet eyes. After a week Jungkook finally opened his eyes carefully and glanced at Jimin with dull orbs.)

''Doctor! '' Jimin called the doctor and a nurse and doctor came on his jolly call.

(Doctor examined Jungkook and confirmed his recovery but ordered him bedrest for next one month. Nurse brought soup for him and Jimin fed him.)

''How are you feeling Kookie?'' JIMIN asked while wiping his lip corner and chin.

''Not better anymore. Where is Y/n?'' Jungkook forced his breath to let out some words from his mouth.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now