Last Glimpse Of Kim Seokjin

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��J-the Killer��

Last glimpse of Kim Seokjin

Seokjin's pov

''Y/n! Y/n!'' I patted her face and tightly gripped her slighted wrist. I went inside the bathroom and found a little aid box.

I wiped her blood,the cut was medium sized and not on her wrist's vein. That was the good news. I laid her down on the bed and checked her pulses,everything seemed normal but she was unconscious.

After completing her hand's dressing. I tried to wake her up again. She might become unconscious after seeing her blood,it happens with some people.

''Y/n! Wake up. Look, I am here. Your Oppa! Wake up sweetie.'' She slightly opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. I was kneeled on the floor beside her.

Slowly she shifted her gaze on me and the scariest expression rose up on her face.

''Stay away from me. Don't even try to get near me. Please.'' A tremor was visible in her way of speaking and body language. She was trying to get away from my side but her weak state wasn't a big help.

I understood the situation quickly by her words and way. She surely faced my other side but I don't know how long since she was facing him.

''Y/n,you don't need to be scared of me.I am Seokjin, I am not Jin.'' I spoke in my most delicate voice,she was clearly looking confused by my sentence.

''What's the difference even if you are Jin or Seokjin? You are an evil notion's person. I don't trust you.'' She cried.

''It does matter Y/n! Because there are two personalities living inside my body.'' I explained my disorder to her. How much I suffered because of it,how I woke up in that tiny house between that jungle where I found teared up dead bodies of known persons every single time and couldn't remember anything about what happened and how.

''Firstly you need to eat something. You lost a lot of blood.'' I was concerned about her,locking my tears inside my eyes.

''No,it's okay! I didn't lose much blood. The water in that glass spilled on my wrist and I fainted because of the pressure and tension. Don't worry about me. But what are you gonna do now? Sorry but i still don't trust you.''

''I need a phone! I am gonna call officer Min. They'll come and take you with them safely. Do you have phone?''

''You have phone,its in the drawer of night stand.'' I moved behind and opened the drawer. I know what I am doing is dangerous for me but I can't let my inner demon hunt more girls.

I was relaxed after finding the phone but my little joy dropped when I found the phone password that I absolutely don't know.

''It has a password. Did you know the unlock pin?'' I asked while trying to figure out how to open that keypad phone.

''He never even let me touch it. I don't know and I guess same goes for you.'' She caught my empty face and her guess was correct.

''We can dial the number by emergency call.'' Y/n sat slightly on the bed with the support of headboard. I can see the light on her face and maybe she is trusting me now.

''Go ahead then. You know this place?'' She asked.

''Don't worry, they're gonna track us.'' I dialed the police Headquarters cell and told them everything. They quickly left their location to take us.

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