Good Peeps bad heart;bad peeps good heart

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��J-the Killer��


(Good Peeps bad heart;bad peeps good heart)

(Jungkook unboxed the packet that was delivered by Y/n and Sent by Sunmi while going to the bedroom.It revealed a DVD case. He flumped on the bed along with the Laptop and inserted the DVD in it. The DVD was wrapping Sunmi and Jungkook's old,adorable childhood memories on it. Jungkook picked the pillow and placed his chin on the fluffy grey pillow. Giggling and football kicking sound were filled his room,then the camera moved forward in another angle and caught Mr. Jeon. He was inside his room talking with a guy who was sitting at an opposite angle and totally out of sight. After 2 minutes they both stood and Mr. Jeon handed him 2 bundles of cash. The guy was captured on camera when he was leaving the room.)

(He paused and zoomed the screen and gawked at the picture for a few seconds. His memory triggered when he identified the person. His eyes widened at the screen after identification and he picked his phone and called Sunmi.)

On call

''Is this real or you prepared it?'' He questioned.

''That's why I don't like to help peeps. If you have any doubts then call your VMD team and make it right.'' She yelled in an aggressive tone.

(She cutted the call and Jungkook sent the video to a technical expert and after 30 minutes he received his result)

''I've analyzed the whole video,there is nothing edited in it; it's a real video.'' Technical expert assured him on the phone.

''Okay,....Thank you.'' Jungkook answered in low pitch.

(He cutted the call and went to the balcony. He was tightly holding the railing with both of his palms,he was looking out on the road where a mother was taking her child back to home after school. He recollected his days with his mother,how she took care of him and filled him with joy and cherished just by a simple smile. He gasps and holded his tears in eyes . He was under his feelings that were hurting and painful and left him in a place where nobody can hold him. He felt a long,slim fingered hand on his shoulder,he looked back and found Sunmi there looking at him with guilty eyes.)

'' I-i-i I don't know what just happened to me…..'' Jungkook said to Sunmi.

(he tumbled on the grass sheeted floor,wailing. Sunmi bent down his level and patted his back)

''It's okay Jungkook, don't cry. I know it's not easy to believe but that is the only fact! You have to admit it.'' she said in a slow and dulcet voice.

''Howww? How can I admit that my father is the person behind my mothers accident!'' Sobbing.

''He was!......Your father is found dead inside his Alligator's alley. He was feeding them when he lost his balance and falled in pond.'' She told him with heavy vocal.

(Jungkook stood up and so was Sunmi. He wiped his tears and drove to his father's place along Sunmi. He reached the place and found police and Jimin inside the premises.)

(Jimin saw Jungkook and hugged him. Jungkook cried against his chest)

''Be strong Kookie.'' Jimin caressed his hair with a blank expression.

⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now