🎂Birthday Surprise😈

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��J-the Killer��


ꕤBirthday surpriseꕤ

(Taehyung was driving back home after the second interrogation of Hoseok. Taehyung lied to Hoseok that they arrested Kai and he accepted his crimes and now it's Hoseok's turn to admit everything. Hoseok spit out everything and as Taehyung's doubt, the real accused was Kai. It's 11 at night so there is no way that he can arrest a high profile man this late. He ordered his constables to keep an eye on Kai and his activities.)

𖤐At Y/n's house.𖤐

(Y/n was sleeping in her home alone. She suddenly felt sweat on her forehead and the atmosphere was pitch black and hot. She picked her phone dizzily and switched on Flashlight.)

''Is there a power cut?'' Drowsy Y/n said with closed eyes but she heard the gate unlocking sound.

(She was still in half sleep condition so she thought it might be her dad but then she realised that her dad is in Singapore and also there is no separate key to their house's lock. She quickly stood up from bed and peeked outside from her room. The outer was caliginous and dead silent,the only voice that was audible was men's shoes thuds. Y/n was SHIVERING in fear and nervousness. Atmosphere was scary and spooky,eyes were filled with tears of fear and by the fact that a Psycho Killer is haunting around the city. She palmed her mouth to prevent the sobbing and dialled Taehyung's number after locking the bedroom.)

☀︎On call☀︎

''Hello!'' Taehyung answered while driving.

''T-Taehyung someone sneaked inside my house.'' Y/n sobbing and talking in a muffled voice.

He stopped his car in the middle of the road. ''Okay Y/n stop crying and listen to me Carefully. Lock your room and hide yourself inside your bathroom and don't cry my love. You are brave and strong, don't be scared, okay just hide and lock properly. I am on my way and I love you. I am coming.'' Taehyung filled Y/n with words of love,care and hyped her up a little.

(She silenced her phone,picked a stick in her hand and was going inside the bathroom when that unknown person started banging on the door. Y/n dropped her defense on the floor because of the apprehensive scenario. On the second moment the door's lock dropped on the floor and the unknown man placed his foot inside the bedroom. Y/n fell on the floor and crawled back with her hands and bumped to the back wall. She picked the phone, pointed the flash light on him and the results sent her in deep shock.)

''J-J-J- Jungkoooookkk….'' She stuttered and widened her eyes on the person who was standing in front of her with a long knife in his hand.

'' She stuttered and widened her eyes on the person who was standing in front of her with a long knife in his hand

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⛰J-THE KILLER🔪JJK×KSJ×PJM(FT.KTH)Where stories live. Discover now