chp: 1

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lightning's pov:




don't stop running. get away from here. leave the clan, your clan. leave the gates, your gates. don't you dare look back, don't you dare fall from fatigue!

your home is no longer your home. your chakra is no longer your chakra. your power and kekkei genkai is no longer your power and kekkei genkai.

your freedom? well, when did you ever have that to begin with. that was never yours and it'll never be yours. no matter how far you run, you'll always be bounded to the ground you walk on.

don't look back! don't think back! forget the past and never return, focus on the present. keep running, even push through it when you no longer can. you must not stop for long. get away from here, get as far away as possible. you'll be happy and free soon, hopefully. it's the only way. you must not get caught or it's all over.

but why am i feeling so empty? i clutched the part right over my heart. my right eye blank and wide as i continued to run through the cold night. jumping from tree to tree. not having the strength to turn my head and look back. what if they were near? what if i were able to see them? i didn't want that.

my breathing became heavier, but i was nowhere near done running. nowhere near close to being safe. who knows how close or far my father and sister are. i must keep going. i can't stop. i won't stop. this is the only way, but i know it won't be the last option soon.

each passing hour and day i did not stop running. i felt weak and tired. but i kept pushing myself, hoping to put a distance between them. there was little time to hide and to run. i had to use every second that was passing to my advantage.

after several days of running straight without any breaks, i decided to climb a tall tree and take a much needed break. i pulled the small back pack from out behind me, setting it down on the branch in front of me. i leaned on it for a few seconds, my black eye looking down at the bark below me.

hopefully there was just enough time to simply sit. i panted softly as i clutched more onto my bag. i reached behind me, still feeling the two hook blades i had also brought with me. i felt much better that my go-to weapons were still there.

i leaned back and looked at the bag, reaching for it.

i pulled out my special journal. it had my written thoughts and feelings. it was where my heart was. it was my way of sharing the world who i was, letting the parchment know who i was. i turned to a blank piece of paper. skimming over my previous writings as i did so. then, i began to write.

hi, it's lightning... again. yes, i am using my nickname, not that i can remember my real name for the time being. i'm 10 years old, i guess i never gave you my age, huh? or name.

i'm writing to say... i ran from home. i finally got the guts to do so. it's very hard being on my own for the time being. but i'll get through it.

i'm tired, hungry, thirsty. but i know i'm not safe, which is why i must keep going. i won't stop until i know i'm safe. and right now? i'm not. i'm just taking a small break before i take off once more.

where? not too sure yet. it's a mystery.

hopefully somewhere safe from them. or a place to give me time to get stronger and get back into shape. hopefully somewhere i can forget the memories that are imprinted in my brain.

the ones father and sister left behind.

i hope that next time i see them, i'll be stronger and faster. that i won't be scared. i want to be strong enough to fight so i can protect others... because i couldn't do that earlier.

i haven't cried, no, i've been too focused on running and hiding. i'm shielding my emotions, they'll only get in the way.

future me, if you're reading this, i hope we did it. i hope we are able to protect and fight for others. i hope that younger us would be proud and that we could be someone he could've looked up to, because i will do everything in my power to reach our goal. i just hope we can do it.

i hope.

~yours truly, younger lightning.

i closed my journal, i quickly searched my bag. hoping i had stuffed some type of water and snack in it as i ran off. i released a breath, thanking myself that i did remember. i quickly scarfed down the small snack that there was. i took easy sips of the water i packed. making sure i savored the water more, knowing i needed this more to survive.

i looked around, the branches above gave me some type of coverage, and it's not like i was completely defenseless. i took out a few kunai's that i had stolen from them. i put the back pack behind me, i turned my body and stuck the kunai's through the straps of them. making sure it was stuck on nicely.

i nodded my head and turned back, leaning back on it. i put my hands behind my head, looking up at the sky. my right eye finally closed.

a quick nap wouldn't hurt. i deserve it after all.

i took a deep breath, knowing that no matter what i couldn't sleep for long. thankfully, i was always on high alert. it was very easy for me to sense things anyways. so there was no harm in it.

i took a deep breath, my ears twitched as the wind carried the leaves. it blowing in my white and purple hair. i kept my eye shut, i felt no other presence or chakra near me. so it was safe for me to fall asleep.

so i did. everything was going to be okay.

it had to be.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now