chp: 5

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the alarm by my bed went off, i turned my head to look at it, turning it off with my hand. i yawned and sat up, stretching. i had no clue that everything was already set for me to start my day.

i looked at the time, about an hour until the academy starts lesson, so i got up and took a shower. no harm in looking clean on my first day. i suppose this would be worth it, i've practically masted my clan's special and secret jutsu, no harm in expanding it.

after my shower, i dried myself off, quickly cleaning off the fallen drops of water. i grabbed my clothes and put them on, i slipped on black socks. i found my sash and strapped it on, the black strap going across my shoulders as it formed a x in the back, two open pouches at the top. i grabbed my hook blades and put them in, walking to my front door and grabbing my combat boots, slipping them on and opening my door.

coming face to face with the blond neighbor from yesterday. he blinked, i blinked. we blinked at the same time before his mouth gave a wide toothy grin. i raised a brow.

"hello, neighbor! you ran off yesterday before i could introduce myself, but that's okay! would you like to walk to the academy together?!"

i still blinked, processing what he had just spoken. i slowly nodded my head, not expecting this type of welcome on my second official day.

he grabbed my wrist and began to quickly walk off, i only had time to close my apartment door. i prayed that no one would break in, but that was unlikely.

sasuke's pov:

i was one of the first people to arrive at the academy, again. i find it easier to get here early and sit in silence before annoying people -fangirls included- pile into the room. especially that loud blond, naruto.

what a nuisance.

i had no interest in those girls, no interest in stupid competitions. what was the point? why waste my time with annoying people.

iruka-sensei finally walked through the door, dragging naruto with him. i rolled my eyes at them, he was always getting into trouble.

"iruka-sensei!" naruto said loudly, "you dragged me away from my new friend! he must be lost without me."

"oh yeah?! then what's his name?!"

naruto -for once- grew quiet. i looked out the window as he started whining. this was a bore. iruka had scolded him once more and forced him to take his seat.

luckily, no one was next to me. i preferred to be alone anyways.

not too long after the whole commotion, the door made a knocking sound. halting iruka in his lesson, he turned from the chalk board and looked at his door.

"come in." he briefly said, his full attention now on the door.

my full attention now on the door.

the door opened, slowly a boy with semi-short but semi-long wavy white and purple hair walked in. his hair stopping right over his ears. he was wearing black ninja pants, i could see a few pockets, black combat boots over his feet which had his ankles wrapped a bit in bandages, and a black turtleneck tank top on with fishnets underneath it. his right eye was a mix of black and purple swirling in it, mostly black though. his left eye was completely covered by a bang that was angling down.

i took note of the hook blades on his back. going in an x formation, must be his personal weapon.

intriguing, very intriguing.

"you must be the new student!" iruka said, stopping me from examining him more.

he nodded. his face clear of emotion, his voice not there.

"that's my friend!" naruto yelled out, pointing to him catching everyone's attention, "i didn't introduce myself earlier... again. i'm naruto uzumaki! and i'm going to be hokage, believe it!"

why must this dobe be so loud. i rolled my eyes at him, no way this boy would acknowledge him. he was probably forced to be naruto's friend from his persistent.

i looked at the boy again, he gave a simple thumbs up. i could see naruto's grin form bigger, i take back what i said. he acknowledged him, tch, a waste if you ask me.

"take an empty seat next to sasuke. sasuke, raise your hand."

i huffed, i missed the introduction. but by the looks of it, everyone else did too.

i thought back to what iruka said... what are we five? there's only two empty spots and they're both next to me. but i raised my hand anyways. he put his hands behind his head and casually walked to me, ignoring the stares from the jealous girls. some of those looks directed towards me as well.

he glanced at them when he sat down and his face turned into a glare. they quickly looked away, intimated by him. i scoffed at their reaction, such weaklings.

he turned my way when he heard my scoff. i straightened at that, his glare was now facing me. he relaxed his face and looked away. listening as iruka carried on.

but my focus was on him. on his hands going back behind his head, his ankle going over his left thigh as he leaned back. the way he sat let people know to not go near him, it was a warning that he wasn't here for friends.

i felt a pair of eyes on me. i slowly looked up to see him looking at me, his face blank and iruka's voice drowned out.

"sorry..." i quickly muttered.

i looked away as he nodded slightly, his face going softer. i put a hand over my face as i looked back out the window. it felt a bit warm, but it was just from embarrassment of saying 'sorry.'

that's how it's been lately. he never once spoke a word to anyone, not even a mutter. the days dragged on and he only seemed like the top of the class. he knew what he was doing, he had been training.

i hated that he was so close to beating me, but i still wanted to know who he was.

naruto had moved a spot down to be next to him. he had been showing up to class on time, both of them would always walk in at the same time. he was always casually talking his head off as the boy only nodded. every now and then a small hum, but you would have to be listening to hear that.

i wanted to talk to him as well, better yet, have a silent conversation with him. i knew we could pull it off, but naruto was always talking, taking his attention.

i crossed my arms and shook my head, such a waste of talent. i was beyond irritated.

yet, everyone was still interested in him. boys included. he was a mystery to be solved, luckily for him, i'm the strong one that will get him to break. after all, i was interested in him as well... not in that way! i shook my head, getting my mind out of the gutter. this was no place to be lost in my head.

"lunch time!" iruka called out.

and just as usual, he was the first one out. just as usual, everyone had followed him.

my irritation grew.

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