chp: 41

177 5 5

the fights dreaded on, lightning saw sasuke for a brief moment, that didn't mean lightning wasn't getting irritated. although he enjoyed temari's and shikamaru's fight.

if sasuke doesn't show up because he was too late due to kakashi, lightning would give sasuke a piece of his mind. how dare the black haired male be late and make gaara win by chance?

gaara wanted a nice clean fight... well he wanted a fight. but that didn't mean gaara wouldn't be able to control his blood lust if sasuke didn't come and fight already.

"i'm sure he'll show up, stop pacing and calm down. no need to worry." naruto popped up in front of lightning, waving his hand up and down to reassure him.

lightning wasn't worried, he knows sasuke is okay and will eventually show. but the blond didn't know he knew the whereabouts of sasuke.

lightning also didn't know he was pacing until naruto pointed out. lightning tends to sometimes pace when he's lost in thought. but there isn't much he's done to try and stop it.

lightning slowly looked at naruto with narrowed eyes, processing every last word the blond said. naruto yelped, jumping back and lifting his leg and arms up in a protective fighting stance.

lightning softened his gaze, going back to pacing.

gaara watched his every move, slight irritation bubbling up. he didn't like the feeling he got in his chest watching lightning be filled with worry (everyone thought lightning was pacing due to worry and not his own irritation).

sasuke's a terrible... whatever he is to lightning.

gaara glared at the floor briefly to get his weird feelings out, not wanting to accidentally glare at lightning. he really didn't like lightning being filled with worry or even thinking about sasuke.

who would ever like that uchiha? he's going on a dark path. not like gaara had any room to talk.

"why are you glaring at the floor?"

gaara snapped his eyes up, looking into lightning's black and violet eye. his own sea foam green eyes were a bit wide in shock. maybe lightning had felt his eyes and stopped pacing.

"i want to fight soon." was all gaara said, which was true.

but that wasn't the reason why he was glaring at the floor. he can't necessarily say he hates sasuke, lightning enjoyed sasuke's company and basically always stood up for him without knowing. lightning always wanted to spend his time with sasuke.

and vice versa.

lightning just nodded his head, stepping closer and leaning over the railing a bit. his body hunching over and his arms swinging back and forth with a pout on his lips.

"i want to punch sasuke for being late."

"do you enjoy punching him?" gaara asked, getting up and standing next to lightning.

lightning shrugged, "yeah basically. it's fun and he hates it, so it's a win."

it's also how he showed his affection. they weren't necessarily official, so lightning can't necessarily show his affection intimately. he also knew the love his parents showed him, so he feared that.

he didn't want that type of love.

lightning looked back out on the field when the crowd went silent. their protests and boredom was quickly stopped.

it took a few minutes, but sasuke and kakashi finally showed up. in a whirl of leaves, back to back and near genma.

despite the irritation, lightning couldn't help but smile. his lips quirked up and his features softened, gaara narrowed his eyes a bit at that.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now