chp: 21

428 16 15

after sasuke revealed the obvious, lightning got up and dusted himself off. he smooth out his black clothing, then ran fingers through his hair. he touched his headband, making sure it was still over his eye.

lightning blinked at sasuke, crossing his arms and looking away. he was pretty pissed that sasuke yanked him on the ground, refusing to believe the second time was practically his fault. it was definitely sasuke.

lightning nodded his head at blaming sasuke. the uchiha stared at him.

he's definitely blaming it on me. sasuke thought.

"i was hungry." lightning finally mumbled, loud enough for sasuke to hear but quiet enough for everyone else to strain their ears to hear.

sasuke sighed, but he soon chuckled. he patted lightning's head, but the male still wouldn't look at him. this was not amusing sasuke anymore.

sasuke handed the two back their wallets, they were glaring at lightning.

"i'll do more than just steal your wallets if you keep glaring at me." lightning glared back, his one eye scarier than the four.

they scoffed and walked off. lightning then made eye contact with the three he almost ran into. he felt sasuke staring at him. he tensed underneath the stare, slightly blushing.

lightning bowed, "my bad." he half-assed his apology.

"that's alright." gaara said.

lightning stared at him, then sasuke glanced at lightning when the bi-colored haired male was unresponsive. sasuke didn't like that look one bit.

"i'm temari, this is my brother kankuro and my other brother gaara. you're-"

"intriguing." gaara said, staring at him back.

a light blush coated his pale face. lightning smirked when he felt sasuke shift closer to him, so, he began to laugh. it was quiet so it sounded more of like a giggle.

"i think you're rather-"

lightning was cut off because naruto had tackled him. sakura had whispered in naruto's ear on what lightning was thinking, so he should put an end to it. the loud blond had it covered.

as for lightning, he glared.

i swear it's like i'm meant to be with the ground. my one true love, you're always there when i fall.

"why'd you take their wallets?" his blue eyes big and eager.

lightning blinked, that couldn't have waited?! "felt like it." he tried to get out of naruto's hold, but the blond had a tight grip on him.

sasuke stared, clenching his fist before looming over them. it was bad enough naruto lived next door to lightning and seeing him everyday, he didn't want naruto touching him as well. he grabbed the back of naruto's orange coat, practically throwing him off and picking up lightning.

he put lightning slightly behind him, "stay off my boy- stay off lightning, dobe." sasuke felt a blush creep up at the back of his neck from a slip up that wasn't even true.

lightning felt a warm bubbly sensation spread through him as sasuke's words. well, almost words. he stood pretty close to sasuke, leaning a bit on him. resting his head on the back of his shoulder as he pinched sasuke's sleeve between his fingers.

sasuke wanted to smile, feeling his heart beating rapidly. lightning slightly looked up from behind sasuke, seeing temari disappointed at their interaction. along with gaara studying them, kankuro didn't really care. he still thought sasuke was a punk, but lightning seemed chill.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now