chp: 51

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"sasuke!" lightning shouted, fear spiking in his voice.

this was a different type of fear. he only ever feared his blood relatives, feeling his heart stop and always being frozen.

this fear was something he wasn't ready for. he didn't like this feeling, the twist of his gut. this fear was unimaginable. lightning stumbled up, his heart beating rapidly. it felt like it could stop any moment from this, and he didn't like it. he had been too weak to help fight and this was the consequence.

aoi had wrapped sasuke into his thunder blade, the aching groans and pain reached lightning. he didn't like that, he didn't like hearing sasuke in pain. sasuke was thrown towards the bridge and cliff. he landed harshly on the bridge, his eyes closed.

lightning ran to him, grabbing his hand and holding it before he fell down. sasuke's hands were cold, but lightning knew him well enough to know it was natural. which filled him with a bit more relief than usual.

he started to pull sasuke closer, wanting him off the bridge before it was too late. in hopes to save him, to save sasuke. just as he saved lightning, in more ways than one.

"lightning!" he heard naruto and sakura yell.

his actions stopped momentarily, he glanced back and that was a mistake. aoi sliced the only rope that was keeping the bridge up. lightning squeaked as he tightened his hold on sasuke and they both began falling.

sasuke was falling off the cliff, his head and back towards the ground. the man who poisoned lightning -he refused to ever speak his name now- was the reason for sasuke's fallen. lightning didn't care that he was falling either, he was awake, sasuke wasn't.

as they were falling, lightning acted fast. he maneuvered the unconscious male's arms to wrap around lightning as lightning did a few hand signs, the ground beneath them began to shoot up.

it gave them something to land on.

we were so close. so close to crossing that damn bridge. i'll kill him. he stopped us again, i'll kill him. he touched sasuke, he hurt sasuke. i'll kill him. i'll use my eye, he deserves it.

lightning snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a subtle shift from sasuke, a twitch. sasuke had dipped his head into lightning's shoulder. he looked at sasuke's serene face, lightning connected their foreheads.

"thank you." lightning mumbled, immediately lightning felt better with sasuke. "thank you for always being here. i'll keep you okay." he whispered.

sakura peeked over the cliff, putting a hand to her chest. it was heaving up and down and she looked so relieved.

"thank god you're both okay!" she shouted down towards them. "right?!" she questioned loudly, slight fear.

"don't worry about us!" lightning responded back at her, his voice raising slightly. "finish the race, we will meet you guys there."

if sasuke were awake, he'd probably finish his sentence and words. how cute that would've been if he hadn't put himself into danger, like always.

she nodded her head and left his field of vision. lightning held sasuke, he sat down on the platform he created, gently guiding sasuke to lay. lightning was still a bit weak and tired, he would've been refreshed if he could sleep. he needed the break, he'll attempt to wake sasuke later.

he could hear the clashing of metal, naruto's loud shouts, idate and sakura helping. then it went silent, the battle was finished as aoi fell over the cliff. they looked up to see the three using the falling bridge to finish the race.

the leaf ninja relaxed at that.

lightning looked at sasuke, his cheek was pressed to lightning's shoulder and his eyes were still closed. he had a few injures from aoi and their battle.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now