chp: 3

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~1 year later~

i stumbled upon a new village. i looked around, it looked rather smaller for a village, maybe they had no protectors.

wondering why a new one? my father and sister keep finding me. it's so nerve racking, i never stood and fought. i don't know if i'm strong enough yet. if they keep finding me i'll have to get better at hiding my tracks, i'll need to learn.

i'll just have to get better in general.

i walked closer and spotted the tiny gate of it. i couldn't read the name of it, my vision was blurred from lack of sleep. i walked in anyways, going to the first person i saw. he was drinking what seemed to be... sake? this early? damn...

he was just a drunkard old man. i walked to him and tugged the back of his shirt. he spun around taking another swig.

"what do you want, kid?" he narrowed his eyes at me and pushed his glasses up.

i haven't spoken in awhile. i gripped my throat, knowing it was going to hurt, but i needed to know.

"where... where am i?" it came out scratchy and quiet.

he scoffed and then laughed loudly at me, mocking me.

"you're in the land of waves. who are you?" he asked.

i fiddled with my shirt. who was i? what was my real name?

"lightning..." i said.

no matter how hard i tried i couldn't remember my real name. and i hoped to god this tiny village hadn't heard my nickname.

"i'm tazuna. say kid," he studied me, "your name sounds awfully familiar." he rubbed his beard.

"you're just drunk."

he told me about the land of waves. i looked down at the bridge as he continued to talk. every now and then i would speak, getting used to my voice for a bit. but every time i opened my mouth it was void of emotion. practically lifeless.

he invited me to his home. there i met a kid, a female and another male. a small quaint family. i stayed there as long as they let me. many things happened to that family when i was there.

although, i felt safe there for time being. i was happy they haven't found me yet, but sooner or later i would have to leave once more. i will train to hide my tracks, but that would be difficult.

i'll have to tell them soon though, questions are being asked.

~time skip by sasuke's duckbutt hair~

it's been a few months since i've stayed. i mustered up the courage to write a little bit about my past. i haven't spoken again since i've been here. it was too much trouble and i couldn't bare to speak my past.

they pitied me, and i hated it. but i couldn't bring myself to tell them. they needed to know. i looked away, regret taking over me. for many reasons. they now knew of my world, and it wasn't as go-lucky as they thought. i was too young to experience stuff like that.

after that, things were starting to go a bit smoothly. that was until... they found me. and right after i told them my past.

i only knew of their arrival when i walked on the tiny beach to train more. they were there across the way. i freaked out when i saw them, i ran back to my temporary staying place and ripped a piece of paper from my journal. writing a note.

dear tazuna and everyone else,
thank you for these past months. you now know of my past, but i must be heading off. they found me once more. i'm leaving so they don't cause anymore damage to you or your family or this village. i couldn't bring myself to do that. i would never forgive myself. i was beginning to warm up to this place, slowly trusting it, but all good things come to an end. i'm going and i'll be looking for a new place, hopefully by the time i turn 12. someday, i hope we see each other again. thank you.

~lightning, i feel as if i should say my name...
but i just can't remember it. i'm sorry.

with that, i stuck it on their fridge. i snuck out the window and climbed a tree. the sky was dark; it was completely night. i jumped to another tree and noticed them under me. i concealed my chakra and listened to them.

"you said he was here!" alia whispered.

"i spotted him not too long ago. he must've known and left. we must get him before it's too late. we can't afford for him to get any stronger."

i narrowed my eyes. if i was getting stronger than maybe i could take them. i sighed, i'll never let them get the chance to use me again. i continued my way, jumping from tree to tree. i felt the lack of energy in me, fatigue was weighing down on me.

i learned over the past year that when i fall asleep it's nothing but nightmares or haunting memories. so i developed a new technique i wouldn't necessarily call it a jutsu, but i taught myself. so i never sleep, only sending chakra to my brain to keep me up.

it's what keeps me up at night. i won't let my guard down and fall asleep. it was very difficult at first, but i grew used to it. it grew easier to not sleep, now it's a second nature to me.

i've gotten used to the hallucinations. they no longer appear.

i looked back, no one was following me yet, they must be trying to decide which way i went in order to follow me. i looked back ahead, touching behind my back. i felt my bag, i felt my pouch and my hook blades.

i had everything i needed. now where was i going? which place? i stopped for a split second and grabbed the map -i stole- from my bag. i looked at it, my eyes scanned on where to go. there was basically one place i hadn't been to yet. i squished the map and stuck it back in my bag.

so my new journey begins. and no matter what, i can't leave that place. it's the last place on the map that hasn't been touched by my footsteps and their footsteps.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now