chp: 33

240 14 18

not proof read correct if you see any mistakes

lightning's stomach growled as he was balancing on a pole. he had one foot out and his leg was bent, he was using no chakra to keep him steady on the pole. 

because his stomach growled, he got distracted and lost his footing, he fell off the pole.

he landed on his ass with a quiet "oomph" leaving his lips. he then snickered, he had enough money on him to get himself a bowl of ramen, he really didn't fell like cooking.

so, he began to walk to the ichiraku ramen, a light bounce in his step. maybe he could see naruto there, that would be nice to see someone he knew.

lightning stopped walking, he saw sakura walking home with some groceries. he thought about it, maybe if he invited sakura they could go back to being relaxed around each other.

yeah, that sounds like a plan.

he began to walk towards sakura, the pink haired female heard footsteps coming behind her. she glanced back, jumping and trying to pick her pace up. she really did not want to have lightning question her, she would break and possibly ruin things.

lightning saw her picking her pace up, his eye beginning to form a look of confusion and hurt.

"sakura..." he mumbled, picking his pace up so he could catch up to her, "hey sakura wait!" he said a bit louder.

he grabbed her shoulder, she dropped her groceries and looked at lightning. "i promised i wouldn't tell you!" she covered her mouth at how loud she said that.

lightning had flinched, removing his hand and taking a step back. "but sakura-"

"he made me promise! a-and i don't want to ruin anything. and you guys are acting weird from it, but if i say it's worse, but if i don't it's also worse. and... and i don't know what to do-"

"i wasn't going to ask about that, i gave up." sakura stopped talking and looked at lightning, the male was looking down and rubbing his hand over his arm. "i... i was just going to ask if you wanted to get ramen with me..." he said it so quietly, like he was overstepping and making it worse by being near her.

he didn't want her to feel like she had to avoid him so she didn't feel like collapsing. he didn't want to feel like a burden to her or his team, and it seemed he was being just that.

sakura felt her heart crack at doing that, oh she cursed sasuke for doing that. she opened her mouth to tell him, she had to. he was apart of the team, he needed to know. she wasn't going to hide it from lightning just because sasuke told her to.

but she never got the chance.

"hey lightning!" temari said, kankuro and gaara right by her. "you were right, you do need more friends. we'll get ramen with you, right?" she looked at her brother's.

"yep!" kankuro grinned, "i mean if we knew whatever pinky knew, and you asked we would tell you."

"does it have to be ramen?" gaara asked, lightning looked at him with a frown, "ramen's fine."

lightning smiled, walking towards.

"wait lightning-"

"it's fine sakura, you don't have to come have ramen. i understand." he waved bye to her.

sakura stared, her mouth parted slightly, she would tell naruto this. the sand village was trying to take lightning away from them.

lightning was walking in front of them, he turned to walk backwards to face them, "i was iffy about ramen as well." he looked at gaara, "but this place is pretty good."

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now