chp: 37

187 7 7

dear journal,

what's it been? a couple of months or so since i've last written in here? who knows. all i know is that i've grown very close to sasuke, and i fear what my feelings are and what it means for us. he acts the same way i do and i feel safe, but i can't keep staying positive.

i've always been a bit of a negative person, and it feels nice that sasuke helps me become more open and vocal. but that lingering thought of what my father and sister said still haunts me.

on a somewhat brighter note, i've made a new friend! his name is gaara, he's kinda quiet and brooding. reminds me of who i was before coming to the leaf village. but it's weird...

...i feel like he's hiding something. him and his siblings, which i've grown fond of too. but they automatically tried being my friend and getting to know me, nothing like that usually happens to me. unless you're naruto.

speaking of naruto, that bitch left and didn't say anything. he usually eats with me, but now it's kinda lonely. but i'll see him soon, the chunin exams are near.

i hope i see sasuke soon. i went to visit him in the hospital and he was gone, and i freaked out a bit. i'm mad at kakashi-sensei for not telling me anything, but i have to keep hope. sasuke won't leave me... i think?

i just hope he's safe. gaara says he knows where he is-

"gaara knows." lightning whispered, he stopped writing as he lost his train of thought.


"idiot, idiot lightning." he scolded himself. he smacked his forehead, "way to go lightning, you fucking idiot." he continued to mumble to himself.

lightning looked around, half expecting gaara to pop out and agree like he did for his training. and gaara also walked lightning home not too long ago, so it's not like it would've been completely out of ordinary for gaara to pop up.

it was still night, lightning's stomach growled and he forgot he hadn't eaten anything yet. lightning went to his fridge and he grabbed his leftover ramen from a few nights ago with the sand siblings.

he brought it out and put it in the microwave. he watched it spin and felt entertained by it, he hummed to himself.

"i'll find gaara tomorrow and ask him to take me to sasuke." lightning nodded his head, he really wanted to see sasuke, so that seemed like a good idea.

lightning blew on his noodles when he pulled his ramen out of the microwave. he then began to slurp it, but it was still hot as he was trying to eat it and blow on it at the same time with his mouth being open.

lightning felt like a dragon from how hot it was and how he was still trying to eat it.

it didn't hurt or burn him, he just felt how hot it was.

once lightning finished his food, he threw away his trash and cleaned around his mouth. he then grabbed his journal and went to finish his little entry.

he wanted it to be nice and somewhat long since it's been awhile for him. but he read over it, he felt if he added more it would be too much. he did want his journal to stay in top condition and something he could look back on.

so, lightning signed his name.

-sorry for the cut off journal,
but yours truly, lightning.

lightning closed his journal and went to walk to his room. he stuck it under his pillow and sat on his bed for a bit. he looked out the window, the moon was up high and lightning concluded he had a few hours before the sun would come up.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now