chp: 22

394 15 9

morning rolled around slowly for lightning. he spent the majority of the time up on sasuke's roof, but once he deemed it was time to put sasuke in his bed, he had to leave.

he gently picked up sasuke, making sure he was comfortable and that he wasn't awake. he then proceeded to walk down the side of his apartment and land gracefully on his balcony before opening the glass sliding door.

he was going to chill in the living room of sasuke's nice apartment after he put the sleeping male underneath his sheets. but sasuke had a firm grip on him, subconsciously yanking him in the bed with him.

lightning inhaled sharply when he was face pressed into sasuke's chest. sasuke practically curled himself around lightning in a protective way. his arms wrapped around lightning and his legs a bit underneath lightning as the said male was practically in a ball. oddly enough, he found that position rather comfortable.

but then again, he doesn't sleep.

so, here lightning was, trying to get out of sasuke's hold slowly. not wanting to wake him up as he wanted to make some breakfast for the male.

as a repayment for staying up with him that long.

lightning made it without any noise, rummaging through his cabinets and fridge to find everything he needed to make breakfast. he was going to cook white rice, roasted tomatoes, some boiled eggs and bacon. that seemed very delicious.

lightning hummed as he quietly made the breakfast.

he didn't know what tune he was humming, it was just a random tune he felt like he knew. like it was apart of him.

lightning straightened when he felt someone coming. remembering where he was, he relaxed.

sasuke slung an arm over lightning's shoulders, leaning his weight on the male. he rested his cheek on lightning, his hair tickling the bi-colored haired male.

lightning felt a bit flustered at the act, turning his head and giving a small smile before focusing on the last little bit that needed to be made.

"do you sing, lightning?" sasuke asked.


"you should sing for me sometime." sasuke mumbled, helping lightning set the table as he just finished cooking.

"maybe in the future."

and the conversation finished at that. they comfortably ate in silence, not without sasuke thanking him for the meal, complimenting it and stating tomatoes were his favorite food.

they quickly cleaned, staying very close to each other as they walked to the bridge kakashi told them to meet at.

lightning greeted sakura, waving to the pink haired female as she whisked him away from sasuke. she looked over her shoulder and grinned when sasuke was glaring.

"so?~" she wiggled her eyebrows, "how was your little sleepover?"

"it was fine." lightning blushed, looking away. he didn't want to go into detail, especially not after sasuke cuddled him without the male even knowing.

"there's more to it, i know-"

"lightning! sakura! hey!!" naruto yelled, grabbing lightning from sakura and shaking him back and forth. "i missed walking with you! how could you leave me for that stupid sasuke teme!"

sakura punched the back of naruto's head, causing the blond to clutch his head and whine. lightning sweat dropped, slowly taking a step back before continuing to step back.

sasuke watched his actions, his arms propped on the railing of the bridge, feeling amused at what he was doing. and when lightning stopped next to him, shifting to where his back was near sasuke's chest, the uchiha felt warmth spread. he put the palm of his hand on lightning's back, but both said nothing.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now