chp: 40

186 6 5

lightning barely had time to stretch his limbs before izulan was running at him. izulan charged at him with the intent to kill, a kunai in his hands.

lightning merely jumped, his hand on izulan's shoulder and he pushed him down a bit. lightning launched himself in the air and he flipped away. lightning made no noise as he swiftly landed, almost losing his balance.

"almost perfect stance!" lightning gave a toying grin.

that's lightning, toy with them. go back to your roots. atmatio's voice rang in lightning's head. the child shook his head and shoved the thought away.

izulan had glared when he heard the laughing of some people. he had stumbled a bit from lightning's shove and he felt embarrassed.

"you're going to die and all you have to say is jokes?!" izulan was growing angrier by the second.

"well you want to die laughing, right? or is it... 'leave them die laughing'?"

lightning shrugged, he wasn't one for sayings. izulan grabbed some kunai's and shuriken's from his pouch. he threw them at lightning all at the same time. some traveled faster than the others, spreading out over to attack lightning's body.

lightning pulled out a single hook blade, using it to deflect the weapons coming at him. there was one coming at his only showing eye. his father's voice rang in his head again. do it. show everyone who you are.

lightning smirked, letting the kunai come at his eye.

"lightning?!" naruto shouted out in concern, which easily died down.

the kunai was a centimeter away from his eye, and then it went straight through his body. he had turned his eye and part of his face into smoke, a giant hole in his face. people gasped and lightning licked his lips, the smoke going down and connecting back to his face. his eye returned.

izulan was frozen.

"what's the matter? aren't going to kill me?" lightning taunted.

his father's laugh overshadowed every type of surprise from everyone. but lightning didn't care.

izulan composed himself, he pulled out his sword, running at lightning. lightning pulled both hook blades out, running at izulan as well.

izulan went to slice at lightning's head, but lightning slide on his knees. his wrist twisting the same way alia taught him, he tuned his body, slicing both of izulan's knees and his right calf.

izulan dropped, wincing and holding onto his leg. he looked up into lightning's eye, fear struck him for a moment. it was as if the purple swirls didn't exist and it was only black. lightning looked at him as if he were prey.

lightning spun his hook blades around his body like nunchucks, putting them up. he pulled his hands out, his fingers spread as smoke began to leave his palms. his friends were scared of him before... it's about to change drastically.

and for some odd reason... it was thrilling to lightning.

but instead of using his smoke to go through izulan's body and into his lungs (to suffocate him until lightning won and let him live) he pulled the smoke back into his body. it was just a meaningless fight to lightning, he won't use his power to kill like before.

he won't let his father implant and dictate his mind again.

he'd win this fight on his own, not showing the people what he can do. he could feel the third hokage staring at him and lightning knew, he was going to get a background check. when? he has no clue, but until then he's going to do whatever it takes before he would be branded as rogue if it came down to it.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now