chp: 6

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i walked out, looking around. i noticed the new kid leaning against the same tree he did every day. i noticed he wrote in the same journal he wrote in every day, it was like he never ate.

where's his food? what was he writing? why am i so intrigued on who he is?

"we should definitely sit next to him!" naruto grinned, "i mean i sit with him all the time and complain about teme, but maybe WE should and expand his friend group."

yes, that's a great idea. i turned to look at him and noticed more people than i would've liked.

shino, kiba, hinata.

shikamaru, ino, choji.

sakura, naruto and then me.

who would want to be friends automatically with us? there's so many problems with that, maybe i should be the only one to go. yes, that would be best.

although, maybe it was good. we all thought the same thing, well minus sakura. she seemed a bit weary of him.

"i don't know," she said, twirling a piece of her pink hair, "he doesn't speak. that seems a tad bit weird, don't you think, sasuke?"

she leaned a bit closer batting her eyelashes at me. i blinked at her, wishing she would move away. i don't talk? but he seemed harmless.

"why not." i said, "doesn't seem like a bad idea coming from the dobe."

she didn't seem happy at my response, but that's what it was. naruto didn't seem to like my nickname, but that's what it was.

we all walked at the same time. he probably ignored our footsteps as we all sat down in front of him. he finally looked up from his journal, his pen floating in the air.

he raised a brow at us, confused on why we had just invaded his alone time.

"hey!" naruto yelled, "hope you don't mind i brought them along. i thought you might've liked more friends and a different voice to hear."

he closed his journal, setting it down. he pulled his knees to his chest and made eye contact with each and every single one of us. he finally nodded his head, giving the most ador- small wave. it was... cu- weird.

"i'm sasuke." i introduced myself first, making eye contact with him.

we didn't blink or look away, he was waiting to see how long i could keep it up. he finally looked away when the rest began to introduce themselves. even sakura, she seemed in a better mood than before.

they began to talk to each other and to him. telling him about their day and what goes on in their life. personally, i think they shouldn't have. he wasn't going to answer.

was i correct? yes.

he only responded the same way he did before, nodding his head and humming softly to let them know he was still listening. honestly, it seemed tiring to do that.

why was he so silent? why won't he just say his name? i want to know more about him, it's pissing me off.

"why don't we all meet up for dinner?" kiba grinned, scratching akumaru's head.

"ichiraku ramen!" naruto said, "it's the best ramen in the world. i bet you haven't had the chance to try it huh, two-tone?"

two-tone? well, i guess it's better than not having something to call him by.

everyone agreed before turning to the bi-colored haired male. we turned to him, waiting on his answer. he shifted a bit and looked past everyone, his eye giving a thoughtful look.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now